5.03 Free to Be You and Me
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Title | Free to Be You and Me |
Episode # | Season 5, Episode 3 |
First aired | September 24, 2009 |
Directed by | J. Miller Tobin |
Written by | Jeremy Carver |
On IMDB | Free to Be You and Me |
Outline | Dean and Sam have gone their separate ways, and each faces deadly challenges. |
Monster | Raphael |
Timeline | August 22nd - August 25th, 2009 |
Location(s) | Garber, Oklahoma Greeley, Pennsylvania Waterville, Maine |
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Sam is sleeping by himself in a motel room, shirtless. When he turns, he sees his long dead girlfriend Jessica. Sam tells Jessica that he misses her so much and Jess asks Sam why he is running away. Sam tells her that he thinks he's a freak, Jess tells him that it isn't true, but Sam denies her saying he knows he has a 'big' darkness inside him.
Back one week earlier, Sam and Dean are living their separate ways. The scene flashing back and forth between Dean hunting - interviewing, killing vampires, cleaning up - and Sam trying to make a normal life for himself - burning his fake IDs, and getting a job as a bar back in a local bar.
As Dean cleans up his bloody jacket, Castiel appears behind him. He explains to Dean that they need to find God and the only one who can help them is the archangel Raphael, the very same angel that killed him. Dean wonders if this is actually for revenge, but goes along with it after some discussion. Castiel claims he has no one else to help him, and Dean is crucial to the plan because no angel would bring harm to him, Michael's vessel.
At the bar, a fellow bartender named Lindsey shows interest in Sam, who is going by the name Keith. She tries to pry information out of him, finally betting him life stories and dinner on a game of darts. To get her off his back, he quickly wins the game, then turns to the news, where he sees some ominous signs in the weather. He calls Bobby for help, but refuses to be the hunter to take care of things when asked.
Castiel and Dean arrive at the police station in Waterville, Maine to get information about the location of Raphael's vessel from an officer who witnessed a battle between Raphael and some demons. Castiel wants to be honest with the witness, but Dean convinces him to go in disguised as two federal agents. Despite Castiel's inexperience at undercover work, they find out the whereabouts of Raphael's vessel: St. Pete's Hospital, where they find the former vessel apparently brain damaged after hosting the archangel.
Back at an abandoned house, Castiel brings a very rare type of oil, holy oil, from Jerusalem in which they can trap the archangel, and reveals he doesn't expect to live after trapping Raphael.
A few hunters walk into the bar calling Sam by his real name and talking about hunting. Sam quickly covers the slip to Lindsay then calls them away to a table. The hunters -- Steve Bose, Reggie Hull and Tim JanklowS5Com, tell Sam that Bobby called them saying that in the town, there's a demon crisis. Sam says he's out.
Meanwhile, Castiel and Dean are at a brothel after Dean finds out that Castiel is still a virgin. Dean arranges for a nervous Castiel to go to a room in the back with one of the girls. While Dean is flirting with another lady, he hears a scream from the back. Dean goes to the back and finds Castiel, trench coat and suit still on but his tie askew, and the girl, nearly hysterical, hightailing it. Dean asks what happened, and Castiel explains that he only looked the girl in the eyes and tried to comfort her by telling her that it wasn't her fault that her father, Gene, ran off. It was because he hated his job at the post office. Dean grabs Castiel as bouncers come towards them and gets them out of there. As they get in the car, he claims he hasn't laughed that much in a very long time.
Sam and Lindsay are enjoying a meal, and Lindsay starts asking Sam about himself. Sam opens up just enough to vaguely tell Lindsay that he used to be in business with his brother, but he made some mistakes and people got hurt. Lindsay asks what his addiction was, pulling out her sobriety coin and assuring him that nobody has ever been so bad that they can't be forgiven, that they can't change.
Back in Maine, Castiel and Dean are at St. Pete's in the vessel's room. Castiel, pouring a circle around the man, explains that when the Holy Oil burns, it acts like a steel cage, trapping the angel. He also explains that the connection between angel and vessel is kind of like a phone line - if one knows the right number, it can be used to bring the archangel to them.
When Dean and Castiel get back to the house, Raphael is standing there. Dean tells Raphael that they knew he was coming and he lights the circle of Holy Oil the archangel is standing in. Raphael is surprised and tells them that God is dead. That is the only explanation for the horrible things have happened in the 20-21st Century and God's continuing silence. He suggests that Lucifer is the one who resurrected Castiel as he needs more fallen angels. Castiel doesn't believes him and they leave the now-destroyed building, Raphael still trapped in the burning ring of oil.
Back at the bar, Sam is questioned by the hunters, who have taken Lindsay hostage, now down to two as the unexpected numbers of the demons killed their friend. Sam confesses that he was the one who had started the Apocalypse as they had heard from the demons, but the hunters want him to drink a vial of demon blood and wipe out all the demons in the town. After Sam refuses, he's attacked by Tim, who force-feeds him the blood. Sam spits it back in his face, then beats them up badly, and they leave.
Castiel and Dean are on the road, Castiel riding shotgun and looking sullen. Dean tells Castiel that he knows a little something about missing fathers, and there were many times he went looking for his dad when all logic said he was dead. But he knew his dad was alive. Dean tells Castiel to ignore Raphael and asks what he believes. Castiel replies that he thinks God is still alive, and Dean tells him to go looking for him. Then Castiel asks how Dean is, and Dean replies that although he can't believe it, he's good, really good. He feels happy to be finally away from his family and hasn't laughed as much in the past few years with Sam as he has in the past 24 hours with Castiel. When he looks to the passenger seat, Castiel is gone.
Sam gets another late-night visit from Jessica, who turns out to be Lucifer disguising himself as Jessica all along. He says that Nick's body was Plan B, and that his true vessel was supposed to be Sam. He says that eventually, without any trickery or lies on his part, Sam will agree to be his vessel, although Sam adamantly disagrees.
- Sam Winchester
- Dean Winchester
- Castiel
- Bobby Singer
- Jessica Moore
- Lucifer
- Raphael
- Donnie Finnerman
- Lindsey
- Steve, Reggie and Tim
- Deputy Framingham
- Alcohol
- Aliases
- Angel Lore
- Angel Wings
- Archangel
- Costumes & Disguises
- Dean's Amulet
- Dean's Bracelet
- Demon Blood
- Enochian
- Green Cooler
- Hello Dean
- Holy Oil
- Hunters
- Impala
- Incredible Hulk
- John's Journal
- Pump 'n Go
- Sex Work
- Singer Salvage Yard
- Son of a Bitch
- Spells
- Tattoos
- Telekinesis
- Telepath
- Vampires
- Vessel
- "Simple Man" by Lynyrd Skynyrd
- (plays over the Sam and Dean montage in the beginning)
- "Devil Sway" by Swank
- (plays when the hunters show up at the bar)
- "Blues Won't Let Me Be" by Left Hand Frank and His Blues Band
- (plays after the hunters leave and talks with the waitress; also played in 4.09 I Know What You Did Last Summer)
Castiel: My apologies.
Castiel: Why not?
Dean: Because we're humans. And when humans want something really, really bad, we lie.
Castiel: Why?
Castiel: No, not at all. Michael is much more powerful. It'll be far worse for you.
Castiel: I've never had occasion, okay?
Dean: Dude, you full-on rebelled against Heaven. Iniquity is one of the perks.
Castiel: I don't know. I just looked her in the eyes and told her it wasn't her fault that her father Gene ran off. It was because he hated his job at the post office.
Dean: Oh, no, man.
Castiel: What?
Dean: And? What, you and the other kids just decided to throw an apocalypse while he was gone?
Raphael: We're tired. We just want it to be over. We just want... paradise.
Dean: So, what, God dies and makes you the boss and you decide you can do whatever you want?
Raphael: Castiel. I'm warning you. Do not leave me here. I will find you.
Castiel: Maybe one day. But today, you're my little bitch.
Sam: You're wrong.
Lucifer: I'm not. I think I know you better than you know yourself.
Sam: Why me?
Trivia & References
Dean: You were wasted by a teenage mutant ninja angel?
- Raphael was one of the the four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
- At the end of the 1991 movie Thelma and Louise, they hold hands as they drive off a cliff to escape police.
- Winston Churchill famously said that Russia was "a riddle wrapped in a mystery wrapped inside an enigma."
Deputy: Uh, no, Kolchak. He's down at Saint Pete's.
- Carl Kolchak was a fictional newspaper reporter of the movies The Night Stalker and The Night Strangler, and in the series Kolchak: The Night Stalker. He specialized in investigating paranormal cases.
- Reference to the long standing belief that Bert and Ernie are a gay couple.
- Bambi is the young deer from the eponymous titled Disney film.
- "Go get 'em, tiger," is a line from the Spider-Man comic books, TV shows, and movies. It is a phrase of encouragement by Peter Parker's girlfriend/wife Mary Jane Watson.
Raphael: God? Didn't you hear? He's dead, Castiel. Dead.
- The phrase "God is dead," was coined by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche.
- The Chinese basket trick is a sex position where the woman is positioned in a sex swing, and the man on the floor, and the woman proceeds to spin rather than do the typical sex motions.
- the Hulk is originally a comic book character created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. A scientist, Bruce Banner, transforms into the strong and almost unstoppable green monster the Hulk whenever he becomes angry or panicked. Dean previously used the "Hulk out" phrase in 2.09 Croatoan.
Sides, Scripts & Transcripts
Episode Meta
- 5.03 Free to Be You and Me: People Can Change, There Is Reason For Hope by bardicvoice (October 2009); archive link, spn-heavymeta
- Bond, Silvia. 2009. Someone Else's Boy: "Free to Be You and Me" Season 5, Episode 3. Pink Raygun, September 29; archive link, spn-heavymeta
- Chan, Suzette. 2009. Supernatural Talk: Tarts talk about Supernatural 5.03 Free to Be You and Me. Sequential Tart, November 9; archive link