A Celebration of Supernatural
From Super-wiki
A Celebration of Supernatural for the Pop Culture Colloquium was held on May 9th 2015 at DePaul University in Chicago. Robbie Thompson was the key note speaker.
Other speakers included Lynn Zubernis & Katherine Larsen (authors of Fangasm and Fandom at the Crossroads and editors of Fan Phenomena: Supernatural), Mark Oshiro (creator/writer of the Mark Reads and Mark Watches series), Leah Wilson (Editor-in-chief of BenBella Books' Smart Pop series) and Maureen Ryan (The Huffington Post TV critic).
Tweet summary of Robbie's panel by SPNBrotherhood -
report on Robbie's panel by journalbookbinder - Report on the day and Robbie's panel by superwhoblazer; archived link
- Robbie Thompson's panel report by rivkat; archived link
- Robbie Thompson's panel report by borgmama1of5; archived link
- Panel report: Race and Representation in Supernatural by rivkat; archived link
- Panel report: Exploring Fandom in Supernatural by rivkat; archived link
- Writing about Supernatural panel by rivkat; archived link
- A Celebration of Supernatural: It Goes Both Ways: Fans and Producers report by rivkat; archived link
- Love, Death, and Codependence: The Family in Supernatural by rivkat; archived link
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Meta Supernatural by rivkat; archived link
- Weekend with the Writer: report from Fangasm; archived link
- Symposium report and interviews Part 1 and Part 2 by A Collective Mind; archived link pt 1 & archived link pt 2
- The Winchester Family Business: A Celebration of Supernatural at DePaul University, Part One; Part Two; Part Three