Claire Novak
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Name | Claire Novak |
Actor | Sydney Imbeau Kathryn Newton |
Dates | 1997 (born) |
Location | Pontiac, Illinois |
Occupation | Hunter Vessel (briefly) Werewolf (briefly) |
Episode(s) | 4.20 The Rapture 10.09 The Things We Left Behind 10.10 The Hunter Games 10.20 Angel Heart 11.12 Don't You Forget About Me 12.16 Ladies Drink Free 13.10 Wayward Sisters |
You said sometimes death isn't always good-bye, right? So good-byes aren't always forever.
– Claire Novak, 10.20 Angel Heart
Claire Novak is the daughter of Jimmy and Amelia Novak, originally from Pontiac, Illinois. Her father disappeared when Castiel possessed Jimmy in 2008. Claire was ten years old at the time.
In 2009, Castiel was ordered back to Heaven, leaving his vessel – Jimmy Novak – to reunite with his family. However, demons were keen to possess him, and kidnapped Amelia and Claire. When Jimmy and the Winchesters attempted a rescue, Jimmy was fatally wounded. Castiel arrived and briefly used Claire as a vessel and killed the demons. As Jimmy lay dying, Castiel, still possessing Claire, comforted him. Castiel told Jimmy that Claire is like her father – something in her blood makes her special, and he would use her as his vessel. Jimmy pleaded with Castiel to leave Claire and possess him instead. Despite Castiel's warnings that it would be painful and that he would never die or age, Jimmy insisted and Castiel acceded to his wishes.
After Jimmy was taken as a vessel for a second time, Claire was left at her grandmother's by Amelia so she could search for him. After her grandmother's death, Claire was sent to foster homes which she repeatedly left. She started a search for her mother, finally finding her with the help of the Winchesters and Castiel on her 18th birthday, only to lose her permanently when Amelia was killed by the Grigori angel Tamiel, who had been holding her captive and feeding on her soul. It was at this time that she was first drawn to becoming a hunter. Sam and Dean arranged for her to stay with Jody Mills while she recovered.
Claire stayed with Jody and Alex, and within a year had started college, but spent all of her time looking for cases and reading lore. After Jody expressed worry that Claire was burying herself in hunting as she felt she has nothing else, Sam talked to her and Claire admitted she felt like she wasn't really a part of Jody and Alex's family since she arrived so much later. After she helped kill the vampire seeking revenge on Alex, Claire realized she was very much a part of the family, but insisted that she wanted to continue hunting.
The following year, 2017, the Winchesters ran into Claire who was working the same werewolf case as them, although Jody thought she was off looking at new colleges. Claire and the boys worked together, but she was attacked by the werewolf. The boys managed to cure her with the help of Mick Davies. Despite this incident, Claire insisted she would continue to hunt alone although it did make her appreciate Jody more and be honest with her.
After the Winchesters vanish into the Bad Place, Claire returns to her family to help save her friends, having gone on several successful hunts on her own. Claire develops feelings for dreamwalker Kaia Nieves, with whom she rescues Sam and Dean, only to lose Kaia to a mysterious cloaked figure in the Bad Place. Claire then vows revenge even if she has to find a way back to the Bad Place to get at Kaia's killer, unaware that she has crossed into their universe.
Over the next two years, Claire remains obsessed with revenge upon Kaia's killer, revealed to be Kaia's Bad Place counterpart Dark Kaia, an obsession that only grows upon learning that Dark Kaia is in her world. When Dark Kaia is eventually captured, Claire is ironically out of cell phone range following up on a false lead on Dark Kaia and so misses out on the revelation that Kaia is in fact still alive and trapped in the Bad Place. After the Winchesters rescue Kaia from the Bad Place, she chooses to return to Sioux Falls with Jody, who reassures Kaia that Claire will be home soon.
4.20 The Rapture
After Castiel takes possession of Jimmy Novak's body, Claire goes outside and asks "Daddy?" to which Castiel replies that he is not her father and begins to walk away, as Claire watches him leave. A year later when Castiel is forced out of Jimmy's body, Jimmy is able to return to his family and begins to try and rebuild his life with his family. This is short-lived, as demons learn about Jimmy and take his family hostage.
Claire is possessed by Castiel when her parents, Dean, and Sam Winchester are held captive by demons, with her mother having been possessed so that the demons can question/analyze Jimmy to determine his unique qualities as a vessel. Castiel, in Claire's body, expels at least two demons from their hosts during the fight. Castiel intends to let Jimmy die so that he will go to Heaven and be at peace as a reward for his service, but Jimmy begs Castiel to use him as a vessel and free his daughter. Castiel obliges.
10.07 Girls, Girls, Girls
Castiel opens up to Hannah about his experience with taking his vessel—Jimmy Novak—from his family including his young daughter, Claire. He describes it being a "difficult but necessary" action since the mission came first.
10.09 The Things We Left Behind
Inspired to look into Jimmy Novak's old life after recent events with Hannah, Castiel discovers that Claire is in solitary confinement in a juvenile center after attempting the latest of a series of escapes from foster care, prompting him to visit and get her out by posing as Jimmy. Claire reveals that her mother vanished after leaving her with her grandmother and she has been in and out of homes since her grandmother's death. She blames Castiel for breaking her family apart by taking her father as a vessel. Castiel helps her escape the center, but Claire steals his wallet and runs away again to rejoin with Dustin Tate and Randy, friends of hers who were expecting her to collect money to help settle Randy's gambling debts.
The Winchesters and Castiel arrive in time to prevent the robbery, but Claire leaves them in disgust, declaring that Dustin and Randy are her family while they are just the people who killed her father. However, when Randy's loan shark offers to take Claire to compensate for the debt, Randy reluctantly agrees. The loan shark then attempts to sexually assault Claire. She fights back, and is assisted by Castiel and the Winchesters, who had arrived to check up on her situation. However, Dean is attacked by the loan shark, and the Mark of Cain is triggered. Claire witnesses the aftermath of him having killed all of the men, including Randy, and is horrified by the carnage.
10.10 The Hunter Games
Traumatized by witnessing Dean's mass slaughter, and still mourning her father, Claire makes it clear that she still doesn't trust the Winchesters, and resists Castiel's efforts to help her. Running away from the bunker, she meets a couple who suggest that she kill Dean as the person responsible for her father's death. She helps them arrange a trap for Dean. However, she tips Dean off at the last minute, finding herself unable to go through with the plan, and Dean manages to fight them off and spare their lives despite the corrupting influence of the Mark of Cain. Although Claire still intends to leave Castiel and find a new life on her own, she suggests that she would not be against him keeping in touch with her.
10.20 Angel Heart
In the months after leaving her group home, Claire begins a search for her missing mother. Having received postcards from Amelia and her things, including her diary, after her final disappearance, Claire is able to track her mother to Tulsa, Oklahoma, where she was to meet a man named Ronnie Cartwright. Ronnie claims not to know Amelia, but draws Claire's suspicion when he refers to her as Amelia Novak despite Claire not telling him her last name. Ronnie accidentally knocks Claire out and calls an ambulance which takes her to the hospital. As Castiel is in her emergency contacts on her cell phone, the hospital calls him and he calls in Sam and Dean to help him deal with Claire.
When Sam, Dean, and Castiel arrive, Claire is not happy to see them, but she tells them of her search before fleeing the hospital when they leave the room. However, she made the mistake of telling them where she was staying, as well as checking in under her own name, and she finds Sam waiting for her while Dean and Castiel interrogate Ronnie. While Claire initially rebuffs Sam's efforts to help her, she finally agrees after he offers to teach her how to hack her mother's credit card records to look for clues. Claire is intrigued by how easy it is and insists on going with Dean and Castiel to investigate Ronnie's murder. When they return to the motel, Sam is able to figure out that the man Amelia was supposed to meet, Peter Holloway, has a farm that Amelia had been spending time around. Sam and Castiel go to investigate, but leave Claire and Dean behind for her own safety and because the Mark of Cain is starting to affect Dean worse.
Things between Dean and Claire are awkward at first, so Dean takes Claire to play mini-golf which they bond over. When Claire puts her putter in the last hole to demonstrate how the ball gets taken there, Dean realizes that the angel who has her mother used an angel sword instead of an angel blade and he and Claire research angels. Claire finds information on the Grigori, a class of angels that preys on humanity, and when they are unable to reach Sam or Castiel, she expects Dean to leave her behind while he goes to rescue them. However, Dean instead gives her a gun and instructions on how to use it and takes her with him.
Arriving at the farm, Dean and Claire investigate the barn and Claire is finally, tearfully, reunited with her mother. As Claire tries to help her weak mother out of the barn, Tamiel, the angel that had been feeding off of her, arrives and tells Claire that Amelia is beyond saving. Claire tries to kill Tamiel with her gun, but he proves immune and tries to kill her with his sword. Amelia sacrifices herself to save Claire, leaving her devastated. Sam, Dean, and Castiel engage Tamiel, who proves stronger than all of them so Claire kills him with his own sword before embracing her mother's body.
The next day, Sam and Dean decide to send Claire to Jody Mills until she can get on her feet. Claire finally forgives Castiel for his role in her father's death, hugging him goodbye and asking Dean to look after him. She also keeps a stuffed animal Castiel got her for her 18th birthday. Before saying goodbye, Dean gives her a copy of Caddyshack and a lore book, having noticed her keeping Tamiel's sword. He advises her against becoming a hunter, telling her how dangerous it is and that she got her revenge when she killed Tamiel. Claire jokingly tells him he's pretty old when he tells her about how hunters don't live long and leaves in a taxi.
11.12 Don’t You Forget About Me
Claire attacks a young couple making out at night, holding her angel sword to the boy's throat and demanding to know what he is. She later calls Dean for help as she believes there are monsters in Sioux Falls and Jody refuses to believe her.
At dinner, Claire explains that three people have disappeared and other people are reporting animals they have never seen before and things stalking their front yards. Alex tells the Winchesters that Claire has previously thought there were monsters when there weren't and Jody tells them the only reason she's not in jail for all the assaults she's committed is that Jody is the sheriff. Annoyed with Alex, Claire reveals that Alex and Henry are planning to sneak off to Jody's cabin to have sex, to everyone's embarrassment.
Jody privately tells Dean that the boy Claire assaulted is hell-bent on pressing charges and though Claire has started college, she hasn't gone to classes in weeks, has no friends, and spends all of her time looking for cases and reading lore. After Jody expresses worry that Claire is burying herself in hunting as she feels she has nothing else, Sam talks to her and Claire admits she feels like she's not really a part of Jody and Alex's family since she arrived so much later. Claire suggests that she leave and become a full-time hunter, but Sam tells her that monsters will always be out there, but a chance at a normal life won't be.
The next day, after Mr. Phelps' body is found hanging from the school flagpole, Claire asks Jody about what happened. Dean pulls her aside and tells her off for her behavior, particularly her rudeness towards Jody who has done everything she can to give Claire a normal life.
Later, Claire works with Sam on trying to figure out what's going on. Dean tells them that the weird fiber found at the crime scene was asbestos while Jody tells them that the janitor's alibi checks out. Sam finds that the janitor has a false social security number and a smug Claire informs them that the janitor started working at the school just before the disappearances that Jody didn't believe were weird started. As Sam and Dean go to investigate the janitor, Jody takes Claire to beg the registrar of her school to allow her to reenroll. The two are attacked by the janitor, who turns out to be a vampire, and Claire and Jody are kidnapped.
In the vampire nest, Jody and Claire note the drained corpses nearby and Jody realizes Claire was right about the disappearances. Claire watches as the janitor, Richard Beesome, explains to the captured Alex that the whole plan is revenge for Alex feeding him to her nest three years earlier. Richard takes Claire to feed on her as part of his plan to destroy everything Alex loves and Alex offers herself in exchange for Claire and Jody if Richard lets them go. Richard starts to feed on Claire, but stops when he senses Sam coming and he and Henry go to confront him. As Sam fights the vampires, Claire retrieves a box cutter from a nearby toolbox and cuts herself free. As Richard goes to kill Alex, Claire stabs him in the back with a crowbar, distracting him long enough for Dean to kill him. Claire watches as Alex confronts Henry and punches him in the face before Claire cuts his head off.
The next morning, Claire and Alex attempt to make breakfast for Jody, and Claire reassures Alex that what happened to them wasn't her fault. As Sam and Dean leave, Claire tells Sam she realizes what she has in Jody and Alex and isn't going to take off. She promises not to "hunt like a dumbass" and as she doesn't intend on stopping, Jody is going to teach her to hunt properly. Claire is surprised that Alex is planning to leave once she gets her life together and tells Alex she doesn't have to leave to protect them. Alex tells them she isn't, she just can't be around the monsters they hunt. Claire then watches with Jody and Alex as the Winchesters leave.

12.16 Ladies Drink Free
Claire and the boys end up on the same werewolf hunt. Claire and Sam go to talk the the victim's friends. Claire talks to Hayden’s friends alone, reasoning that Sam is too old for them to relate to. Later Sam takes in the information she has gotten from the kids and then confronts Claire, asking her why Jody thinks she is in Wisconsin to look at colleges. Claire gets mad, telling Sam it’s none of their business and they need to stop treating her like a stupid kid. He tells her to stop acting like one. Claire storms off with her headphones on full blast. Suddenly she is attacked by a guy wearing a mask and though she fights, he pins her down. When she screams he runs off. Sam comes running up and finds Claire with a visible bite wound.
Back at the hotel, Sam and Dean try to make Claire comfortable. Sam tells her about a possible cure he's found in the Men of Letters archives which uses the blood of the sire. Mick Davies, who is with the Winchesters, reveals that this cure was tested only once on humans and the subject died. Claire wants to try the cure anyway. Sam and Dean decide to track down the werewolf who bit her.
As the moon rises, Claire starts to turn. She tries to take Mick’s gun to shoot herself, but he stops her. Before Mick can chain her, a masked man breaks in, knocking Mick across the room. He drags Claire out of the room. Sam and Dean come back just as Mick is getting up. He tells them the werewolf took Claire, but he'd put a tracker on her, so they can find her.
The werewolf has Claire tied to a pillar in his kitchen. He tries to force Claire to eat a heart but she spits it in his face. She struggles and starts to turn just as Sam and Dean bust in. Sam fights the werewolf and Dean takes on a wolfed-out Claire. Out of nowhere, Mick tazes the werewolf. He draws a syringe of his blood and they give Claire the cure. She writhes in great pain, and then passes out. After a moment she transforms back and wakes up.
Back at the hotel, Claire is loading her car and Mick is amazed by her miracle cure. Sam and Dean agree to give Mick a second chance, and he is humbled and willing to learn. Claire says goodbye to the boys, and before taking off, she calls Jody. She leaves a voicemail telling Jody she’s hunting alone. While it’s scary, she’s doing what she has to do, but she loves both Jody and Alex.
12.20 Twigs & Twine & Tasha Banes
Claire, along with the Winchesters, Garth, and Eileen Leahy, are seen by Mary on video screens being tracked by the British Men of Letters.
13.03 Patience
When telling Patience Turner that she should make her own decision on whether to hone her psychic powers or not, Jody mentions how she had asked Claire—who she refers to as her "daughter"—not to hunt as she thought it would keep her safe, but that it didn't work in the long run.
13.10 Wayward Sisters
Hunting alone in Iowa, Claire saves a little girl—Amanda Fitzmartin—from a pack of werewolves and returns her to her mother. Sitting in her car, writing in her journal, she gets a call from Jody who tells her that Sam and Dean are missing, and she needs her help. Claire immediately drives back to Sioux Falls.
When she gets to Jody's house, Jody hugs her before introducing her to Patience Turner, a psychic. Claire mentions that Patience is wearing her sweatshirt, and asks Jody if Patience is also sleeping in her room. Jody tells Claire that her room is for storage now, and Claire concedes that she was the one who left. Claire swiftly changes the subject to Sam and Dean, asking what they know about the missing hunters.
Jody plays a voicemail received from Sam three days prior as Alex tends to Claire's injuries from the werewolf hunt. Claire asks about the girl Sam mentioned—Kaia Nieves. Jody explains that Kaia was picked up for possession in Minnesota but escaped from court-ordered drug rehab. Claire suggests checking the local rehab and hospitals, but Alex announces that they already did. When Alex gets up to leave, Claire accuses her of "bailing" on Sam and Dean, but Alex explains that she has a job that is equally as important.
When Alex leaves, Claire begins questioning Jody, apologetic for not calling more when she's hunting alone, but insisting that she's safe. Jody confesses that Claire isn't safe, that Patience had a vision. Patience takes over, and explains that she had a vision of Claire's death. Claire asks if all Patience's visions always come true, and Patience tells her that she's still trying to figure the whole psychic thing out. To that, Claire concludes that Patience might be wrong. Jody begs Claire to take the vision seriously, but Claire expresses her annoyance at Jody's insistence to protect her—citing the fact that when they'd go on hunts together, Jody would take on the monster alone and leave Claire behind in the car. Jody tells her that Claire's propensity to "dive-bomb" into fights worries her, but Claire counters that sitting back and waiting gets people killed. Jody asks what happens if Claire ends up dead, and Claire tells her that she won't. Grabbing her leather jacket, Claire makes to leave. Jody tells her she can't run away from stuff, but Claire just quips, "Watch me."
Claire turns up at Sioux Falls General Hospital, where Alex is working, and they have a talk about the vision, Alex's job, and Claire's recent absence. Alex tells Claire that Jody never stopped worrying about her, despite her being gone. Eventually, Alex asks why Claire is really in the hospital, and Claire asks to check the hospital system for Sam and Dean. Alex assures her that she already checked, including having checked for their aliases, and found nothing. Claire asks if she checked for Kaia, including checking for Jane Does. Alex says that she did, but ends up checking again and finding one who had just been admitted.
Claire goes to Kaia's room where a nurse is telling her they need to keep her in for observation. After noticing Claire watching her, Kaia waits for the nurse to leave before ripping out her IV and grabbing her things in preparation to leave. Claire enters her room, and Kaia asks who she is, to which Claire replies, "I'm a friend of Sam and Dean Winchester." In response to this, Kaia tells Claire to leave her alone before rushing out of the hospital room. Claire follows Kaia out of the hospital and finds her cornered by a canid. Claire rushes the canid, stabbing it in the shoulder, but it throws her away, knocking her against a dumpster. Jody arrives in time to shoot the canid in the leg, giving Claire the chance to stab it in the chin, killing it with a gush of blue blood. After retrieving her knife, Claire turns to Kaia and asks to talk.
Back at Jody's house later that night, Claire finds Kaia sitting on the doorstep. Claire notes that Kaia seems like she'd seen a canid before. Kaia explains that she'd seen them in her dreams, packs of them. Claire asks if Kaia fights the canids, Kaia tells her that she runs, but they still catch her sometimes. Seeing Kaia's scars on her arm, Claire asks if the canids gave them to her, and Kaia tells her they did. Claire confides in her that she has battlescars too, showing her one on her ankle she got from a ghoul bite, and one on her shoulder that she got when a vampire threw her through a bar window. Kaia touches Claire's forehead and asks where she got that scar from. Claire admits that she got it from tripping and hitting her head on a doorknob. Kaia laughs. After their bonding moment, Claire gently asks Kaia what happened.
As Alex, Patience, and Jody are autopsying the canid in the garage, Claire leads Kaia in and announces that Kaia knows what the canid is and where it came from—The Bad Place. Kaia explains that she's a dreamwalker and tells them about how Sam and Dean sought her out for help getting to Apocalypse World but something went wrong and they got stuck in the Bad Place instead. Jody asks how the canid ended up in their world, and Claire says that that portal is still open, and that it's the key to finding Sam and Dean. However, Kaia disagrees, believing that they must be already dead.
When Patience has a vision of monsters breaking into Jody's home and attacking them, she insists that they all leave. Claire in hesitant, wanting them to stay and fight instead. Patience is adamant that they leave, pointing out that she sacrificed a lot to come to Sioux Falls and save Claire because of her vision, and that now they're all in danger. Claire stands her ground until Kaia steps in, convincing her to leave with them. As they race away in Patience's car, Claire—thanks to a laptop camera set up in their living room—watches a stream on her phone of the canids breaking into their home, proving Patience's vision right.
When they finally stop, Jody announces that she's "called in some back-up" and Donna arrives. Alex immediately goes to hug Donna, and Donna encourages Claire to join their hug, which she does with a big smile. After Kaia tells them where everything went down with Sam and Dean—rehashing the events of 13.09 The Bad Place—Jody takes Claire aside and tells her she needs her to stay behind and look after Kaia, Alex, and Patience as she and Donna scope out the boat the portal is on. Claire agrees sadly.
As Claire is sitting on Patience's car, watching the girls, Kaia joins her and observes that Claire seems scared. Claire goes on to explain that she'd never worried about dying on a hunt before, wanting to go out heroically, but Patience's vision of her death has rattled her. However, she's hesitant to just sit this one out since Sam and Dean saved her life. Kaia encourages her not to sit it out, telling her, "If you go, I'll go with you."
14.03 The Scar
15.12 Galaxy Brain
After learning from Dark Kaia that Kaia Nieves is still alive and trapped in the Bad Place, Jody tries to call Claire, but she is out of range of cellphone service in Yosemite, ironically chasing a lead about a woman in a black cloak. Jody tells Castiel that Claire has been chasing Dark Kaia for revenge for years as she loved Kaia. Both Jody and Castiel acknowledge that if the rescue mission for Kaia fails, it would kill Claire to learn that they had a chance to save Kaia and it didn't work. Castiel subsequently convinces Jody to stay behind rather than risk Claire losing her too.
After Kaia is rescued with Dark Kaia choosing to remain behind and die with the Bad Place, Jody offers to take Kaia home to Sioux Falls with her. Kaia accepts and asks if Claire will be there. With a smile, Jody assures Kaia that Claire will be home soon.
- In the spin-off novel Supernatural: War of the Sons, Dean and Sam discover a scroll that lists the bloodlines of all angelic vessels, which states that Jimmy and Claire are of the line of Ishmael, and Claire's grandfather was named Gregory.