Creation New Orleans 2023
From Super-wiki
Creation Entertainment held a "Creation" convention in New Orleans, Louisiana on 31 March - 2 April 2023 at the Ernest Morial Convention Center. This con will have Supernatural guests as well as guests from other Jared and Jensen projects.
For information on other conventions, check Convention Category and the Convention Calendar.
The Twitter tag for this convention: #SPNNOLA
Confirmed Guests
- Jensen Ackles
- Jared Padalecki
- Misha Collins
- Rob Benedict
- Louden Swain (house band)
- Briana Buckmaster
- Kim Rhodes
- Ruth Connell
- David Haydn-Jones
- Gil McKinney
- Jason Manns
Richard Speight, Jr.- cancelled - Drake Rodger
- Jojo Fleites
- Mark Sheppard
- Meg Donnelly
- Mitch Pileggi
- DJ Qualls
- Timothy Omundson
- Keegan Allen
- Adam Rose
- Jeff Pierre
Additional Events
- Photography Q&A and Editing Tutorial with Chris Schmelke
- Make-up 101 Class with Victoria Righthand
- Jewelry Making with Jodi
- Kim & Briana's PJ Party
- Ruth's Witching Hour
- Dinner with Davey
- Mann's Cave with Jason Manns
- Wayward Podcast with Kim and Briana
- Acoustic Jam with Louden Swain
- Karaoke Pre-Game with David Haydn-Jones
Friday, 31 March 2023
- 10:30 am Welcome
- 10:45 am Timothy Omundson
- 11:30 am Adam Rose
- 2:00 pm Jason Manns (Singer/Songwriter)
- 2:45 pm David Haydn-Jones & Gil McKinney
- 3:30 pm Briana Buckmaster & Kim Rhodes
- 8:30 pm Karaoke
Saturday, 1 April 2023
- 9:30 am Welcome
- 9:45 am Briana Buckmaster & Kim Rhodes
- 10:30 am Rob Benedict & Ruth Connell
- 12:45 pm Misha Collins
- 1:45 pm Meg Donnelly, Jojo Fleites & Drake Rodger of The Winchesters
- 3:30 pm Adam Rose
- 4:15 pm David Haydn-Jones & Gil McKinney
- 9:15 pm Saturday Night Special starring Louden Swain
Sunday, 2 April 2023
- 11:00 am Jared & Jensen Exclusive Gold Panel
- 1:15 pm Welcome
- 1:30 pm Mark Sheppard
- 2:15 pm Jeff Pierre, Keegan Allen & Mitch Pileggi of Walker
- 3:00 pm Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles
- 4:15 pm Ruth Connell
Karaoke and Concerts
Louden Swain Vendor Room Jam
- Louden Swain Vendor Room Jam by BillieLynnePhotography
Saturday Night Special
- Saturday Night Special by Kreespa
- Welcome + Timothy Omundson by Kreespa
- Adam Rose by Kreespa
- Jason Manns by Kreespa
- David Haydn-Jones & Gil McKinney by Kreespa
- Briana Buckmaster & Kim Rhodes by Kreespa
- Welcome + Briana Buckmaster & Kim Rhodes by Kreespa
- Rob Benedict & Ruth Connell by Kreespa
- Misha Collins by Kreespa
- Misha Collins by Epic_Wild_Tiger
- Meg Donnelly, Jojo Fleites & Drake Rodger by Kreespa
- Adam Rose by Kreespa
- David Haydn-Jones & Gil McKinney by Kreespa
- Jared & Jensen Exclusive Gold Panel by Kreespa
- Jared & Jensen Exclusive Gold Panel by Epic_Wild_Tiger
- Jared & Jensen Exclusive Gold Panel by Hanmei Cui
- Welcome + Mark Sheppard by Kreespa
- Jeff Pierre, Keegan Allen & Mitch Pileggi by Kreespa
- Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles by Kreespa
- Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles by Hanmei Cui
- Ruth Connell by Kreespa
- Creation New Orleans (For tickets and more details)
- Full schedule
- Creation Entertainment's Website
- Creation's Supernatural Cons Website
- Facebook group