Darklight Online Con 2021
From Super-wiki
The second online version of the DarkLight Con from People Con took place on 10th - 11th April 2021 and 8th May 2021 on Zoom. It was possible to buy tickets for panels, meet and greets, 3 min One one One chats, and video messages.
For information on other conventions, check Convention Category and the Convention Calendar.
The Twitter tag for this convention: #DLCONLINE2
Confirmed Guests
- Misha Collins
- Richard Speight, Jr. - appearance moved to 2nd part due to work conflict
- Rob Benedict
- Jim Beaver
- David Haydn-Jones
- Adam Fergus
- Ruth Connell
- Briana Buckmaster (2nd part)
- Kim Rhodes (2nd part)
1st part
- 19:30 Misha Collins
- 21:00 Rob Benedict
- 21:45 Ruth Connell
- 00:00 Rob and Ruth
- 18:00 Jim Beaver
- 18:45 Adam Fergus
- 21:45 David Haydn-Jones
- 00:00 Jim, Adam, David
2nd part
- 19:30 Kim Rhodes
- 20:15 Richard Speight, Jr.
- 21:00 Briana Buckmaster
- 00:00 Kim, Rich, Briana
Additional Events
- Rob's concert
- Briana's concert
Twitter threads of panels
- Misha Collins by raths_kitten
- Misha Collins by NorthernSprw
- Rob Benedict by raths_kitten
- Ruth Connell by raths_kitten
- Rob and Ruth by raths_kitten
- Jim, Adam, David by raths_kitten
- Kim Rhodes by raths_kitten
- Richard Speight, Jr. by raths_kitten
- Briana Buckmaster by raths_kitten
- Kim, Rich, Bri by raths_kitten
- Misha's M&G by Cassiesgoodgirl
- Misha's m&g by daiIymisha
- Misha's one-on-ones by daiIymisha
- Dark Light Con Online 2 Part 2 (in French) by FrConventions
- Ruth Connell by Fr Conventions
- DLC Online 2 by People Con
- Misha, Rob, Ruth, Rob's concert, Rob and Ruth, Jim, Adam, David, Kim Kim #2, Rich, Bri by RosterCon
- Misha #1 #2 #3 #4, Rob #1 #2 #3 #4, Ruth #1 #2 #3, Rob's concert #1 #2, Rob and Ruth #1 #2, Jim #1 #2 #3 #4, Adam #1 #2 #3 #4, David #1 #2 #3, Jim, Adam, David #1 #2 #3 #4, Kim #1 #2 #3 #4, Rich #1 #2 #3, Bri's concert, Kim, Rich, Bri #1 #2 #3 by SoundsOfSeries
- Misha, Rob, Ruth, Rob's concert, Rob and Ruth, Jim, Adam David, Jim, Adam, David Jim, Adam, David #2, Kim, Rich, Bri, Bri's concert, Kim, Rich, Bri #1 #2 by FrConventions
- DarkLight Con Online 2 and DarkLight Con Online 2.2 (For tickets and more details)
- Full schedule of 1st part and Full schedule of 2nd part
- People Con Website
- Facebook group