Divine: The Series
Divine: The Series is a horror webseries written by Ivan Hayden and Kirk Jacques and directed by Ivan Hayden. The series was created and produced by Ivan Hayden, Kirk Jacques, Misha Collins, Jason Fischer and Tara Larsen. Other Supernatural crew involved include Mark Meloche, Diane Widas and Gabe Correa.
- "Its new approach to story telling was designed specifically for the online and smartphone generation. The non-linear story line will keep audiences guessing while wowing with intense action and stunning effects every step of the way." Source
The filming started in Vancouver between 21 and 25th November 2010.
The story centers on a young priest who must come to terms with his crisis of faith or risk damnation to the soul of a living miracle. With man's freewill held in the balance, the bloody conflict surrounding Divine will take him further into his religion than ever he dreamed possible.
The main cast features:
- Dan Payne as Cesar Divine
- Allen Sawkins as Deacon Jim
- Chasty Ballesteros as Jin. She also appeared as a nurse in 5.08 Changing Channels
- Ben Hollingsworth as Father Andrew
- Misha Collins as Father Christopher
On November 23, 2010, Misha posted a picture of himself beside a bloody body on Twitter, arousing fan interest in the project. Further funds were raised through Kickstarter.
The series premiered at Salute to Supernatural Vancouver 2011, as well as online for fans who'd supported the project.
Season One of Divine featured six episodes posted online at the Divine website between 28 August 2011 and 6 November 2011.
There will be more episodes of the series - check the Divine website for information.
On 29 January 2012, Divine became represented by the prestigious William Morris Agency source.
You can support future production of Divine by donating at IndiGoGo until 5 July 2012.
- Divine was nominated as one of the best independent films in the 2012 Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards Source.
- 27 March 2012: Divine is a finalist in the Shorty Awards for the best Twitter sites in the Web Series Category Source.
- 31 March 2012: At the HollyWeb Web Series Festival, Divine wins awards for Best Cinematography (Chris Kempinski) and Best Original Music/Score (Christopher Nickel). Source.
- 7-9 April 2012: On February 14, Divine was selected to appear at the L.A. Web Series festival.At the Festival in April. Divine was selected as one of ten series selected to appear at the Marseille International Web festival on 12 and 13th October, 2012. Source.
Divine won in the Science Fiction, Fantasy or Horror series category for
- Best Directing (Ivan Hayden)
- Best Special/Visual Effects (Ian Korver, Gwyn Shipman – SFX; Mark Meloche - VFX).
- Best Composer (Christopher Nickel)
- Best Cinematography (Chris Kempinski)
- Best Editing (Jen Pearson, Nadav-Sacha Santo, Matt Lyons)
- April: Divine was nominated in the Constellation Awards \for best Male Performance (Dan Payne) and best Female Performance (Chasty Ballesteros) in a TV series.
- 26 May: Divine won best web series at the Leo Awards in Canada source.
- Divine: The Series on Facebook
- Divine on Livejournal
- Divine on Twitter: @DivineTheSeries
- Article on the production of the series at the Washington Times
- Interview with Ivan Hayden by Winchester Radio
- Divine at Kickstarter (Video and donation site)
- Teaser trailer for Divine
- Interview with Ben Hollingsworth by Winchester Radio