Help:Linked Images
From Super-wiki
There's an extension installed on the Super-wiki that allows you to make images links.
Use the following code:
<linkedimage> wikipage=Main_Page tooltip=Main Page img_src=Image:Sample.gif img_width=100px img_alt=Sampletext </linkedimage>
Click here for more information.
<linkedimage> wikipage=Photo_Album tooltip=Click to go to the Photo Album img_src=Image:Photo - Pre-series Sam, John & Dean.jpg img_width=200px img_alt=Pre-series Sam, John & Dean </linkedimage>
gets you:
<linkedimage> wikipage=Photo_Album tooltip=Click to go to the Photo Album img_src=Image:Photo - Pre-series Sam, John & Dean.jpg img_width=200px img_alt=Pre-series Sam, John & Dean </linkedimage>