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Dude, you're confusing reality with porn again.

Sam to Dean, 4.10 Heaven and Hell

In between hunts, a Winchester has to occupy his time somehow, and that's where porn comes in. The most commonly consumed types of porn are:

  • Busty Asian Beauties - Dean's favorite porn franchise.[1][2] Features a website,[1][2] as well as a print publication.[3][4][5]
  • Casa Erotica - Appears to show on every pay-per-view across the mid-West.[6][7][8] Also used by Gabriel to pass on messages to Sam and Dean or Castiel.[8]
  • Japanese cartoon erotica: This is commonly referred to in the West as "hentai" and can include anime, manga and computer games.[9] A popular sub-genre of hentai focuses on sex involving creatures with tentacles, and is often referred to as "tentacle porn."[10] A favourite of Dean's.

Dean: Jody, you watching some kind of chick flick here?

Jody: Well, Dean, I'm a chick.
Dean: No. No, no, you're -- you're a badass sheriff chick. You're not a-a romcom chick. Wait, are you a romcom chick?
Jody: Are you?

Sam: He's more of a, uh... animated Japanese erotica chick.

– , 12.06 Celebrating the Life of Asa Fox


Busty Asian Beauties on the shelf in 4.01 Lazarus Rising.
  • 1.07 Hook Man: Dean picks up a porn magazine in the frat house. The name of the magazine is "Backside" and the main headline is "Bottoms Up."
  • 2.04 Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things: Dean catches Sam watching the Skin Channel, which is airing Casa Erotica 4. Also when Dean and Sam are looking for a guy's zombie girlfriend, they find his basement door locked from the outside. Dean makes the comment "unless it's where he keeps his porn..."
  • 2.08 Crossroad Blues: Dean asks Sam if MySpace is "some sort of porn site."
  • 2.10 Hunted: Dean tells Gordon that Sam has such a conscience, he feels guilty surfing the internet for porn.
  • 2.11 Playthings: Dean asks Sam to go online and "check old obits, freak accidents, that sort of thing, see if she's whacked anybody before." When Sam agrees, Dean jokes, "Don't go surfing porn, that's not the kind of whacking I mean."
  • 2.15 Tall Tales: When the Trickster wants to cause discord between Dean and Sam, he freezes Sam's computer on Dean's favorite porn site,
Sam: Dude. Were you on my computer?

Dean: No.

Sam: Oh really? 'Cause it's frozen now. On, uh,
Gabriel's secret message, hidden on a Casa Erotica 13 DVD in 5.19 Hammer of the Gods.
  • 4.01 Lazarus Rising: Just after Dean is resurrected, he picks up a copy of his favorite porn magazine, Busty Asian Beauties, at a gas station.
  • 4.02 Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester: Bobby has a pinup of Bo Derek in his panic room
  • 4.04 Metamorphosis: Dean jokes that Sam loves research and that he "keeps it under his mattress with his K-Y."
  • 4.08 Wishful Thinking: Dean and Sam follow what appear to be Bigfoot tracks to a raided liquor store, where they discover that the bigfooted thief stole liquor and porn. One of the porn magazines left on the rack is an issue of Backside. As the brothers leave the store, they see a young girl approach on her bike. When she rides past them, an issue of Busty Asian Beauties falls out of the box on her bike and lands at Dean's feet. Apparently, her animated teddy bear was the drunk, porn-obsessed culprit, and she was returning the stolen goods.
  • 4.10 Heaven and Hell: Sam tells Dean that he is, "confusing reality with porn again." Later in the same episode, Dean looks in the Impala's rear-view mirror and laughs when he sees Ruby and Anna sitting together in the back seat:
Ruby: What?

Dean: Nothing. It's just an angel and a demon, riding in the back seat. [chuckles] It's like the set-up to a bad joke. Or a Penthouse Forum letter.
Sam: Dude, reality… porn.

Dean: You call this reality?
  • 4.17 It's a Terrible Life: One of Sam's coworkers got busted for surfing porn on the internet at work.
  • 4.18 The Monster at the End of This Book: When Dean is telling Sam not to do anything that would aid in fulfilling Chuck's prophecy, he says: "I don't care what you do. Use the Magic Fingers or watch Casa Erotica on pay-per-view." As he's leaving, he also says: "Behave yourself, would you? No homework. Watch some porn." When told that Chuck is a prophet, Dean says, "This guy? A prophet? C'mon, he's... he's practically a Penthouse Forum writer."
  • 5.06 I Believe the Children Are Our Future: When Jesse is causing urban legends to become reality, Dean's hairy palm may be the result of masturbating while using porn.
  • 5.12 Swap Meat: When Sam is going through Gary's belongings, he finds an issue of Busty Asian Beauties.
  • 5.19 Hammer of the Gods: When Sam and Dean arrive their room at the Elysian Fields Hotel, Dean is thrilled to find Casa Erotica 13 on the pay-per-view. Later in the same episode, Gabriel gives Dean a Casa Erotica 13 DVD and tells him to guard it with his life. The DVD features a secret message from Gabriel in addition to the Casa Erotica style porn.
  • 6.10 Caged Heat: Castiel is introduced to porn when he watches a movie that features a classic porn trope commonly known as Pizza Boy Special Delivery. This results in the first documented "angel boner."

Samuel: Is this what you boys do? Sit around watching pornos with angels?
Castiel: We're not supposed to talk about it.

Sam: I can't believe I'm about to say this, but I hope you're watching cartoon smut, because reading Dick Roman crap over and over again is just self punishment.

Dean: It's called anime. And it's an artform.

Dean: Mom, dad, nanny-- Boy, that is a love triangle right out of Casa Erotica. 'Course, in those, the jealous wife tends to channel her feelings more productively.

  • 7.22 There Will Be Blood: Dean and Sam reminisce about an old Playboy with Anna Nicole Smith that their father owned when they were younger.

Dean: Okay man, I have read this more times than the Playboy I found in Dad's duffel.
Sam: Anna Nicole?
Dean: Anna Nicole. Ah, the good, they die young, huh?

Sam: I guess something happened to me this year too. I don't hunt anymore.
Dean: Yeah, and Sasha Grey's gone legit.
Sam: Huh.
Dean: What?
Sam: Nothing... she did a Soderbergh film...

Charlie holding a copy of Voluptuous Asian Lovelies.

Sam: But the medical examiner said his body showed clear signs of belladonna poisoning.
Charlie and Dean: The pornstar?
Sam: The poison.

Belladonna is a porn star actor and producer. Amongst her films is My Ass Is Haunted.

  • 8.17 Goodbye Stranger: Dean finds a copy of Voluptuous Asian Lovelies in the Men of Letters Bunker. It's a first edition which Dean lets slip to Sam he knows would sell for a large amount on eBay.
  • 8.22 Clip Show: At a convenience store, Castiel buys things he knows Dean likes: beef jerky, beer, a copy of Busty Asian Beauties, toilet paper. This issue of Busty Asian Beauties contains "Pillow Book Love Secrets." Cas tries to buy pie, but of course to no avail, continuing the running gag in which Dean never gets his pie.
  • 9.04 Slumber Party: While searching for the key to Oz in Dean's bedroom, Charlie remarks how Dean has his vintage porn (Voluptuous Asian Lovelies) meticulously organized. Tweeting during the broadcast of the episode, Felicia Day said "There was actual porn in that box and I was like "WHOAH THIS IS PORNY 70S PORN!" (Source).
  • 9.08 Rock and a Hard Place: Dean and Sam join a church purity group as part of a hunt, and Dean recognizes the counselor. She is Suzy Lee now, but she used to be known as Carmelita star of such Casa Erotica classics such as Cabana Nights and Tequila Bun Rise. Dean and Suzy proceed to seduce each other with some porn worthy dialogue:

Dean: The scene with the tacos, it made me want to join a mariachi band just to be near you.
Suzy: You're not like... the other guys in town, are you? You're kind of a... bad boy.
Dean: I don't know. Why don't you ask me that in Spanish?
Suzy: ¿Eres un chico malo?
Dean: Si.

  • 10.01 Black: Dean is reading a copy of a Busty Asian Beauties magazine, when a demon tries to kill him. When Sam is interviewing the clerk who witnessed Dean kill the demon, the clerk Mickey refers to Dean as "porn guy."

Sam: When 'porn guy' came in did he say anything?
Mickey: Where's the porn?

Dean: Okay, agent, why don’t you get that cellphone back to the bureau’s crime lab, get it hacked like you told those guys, and, uh, we’ll figure out what’s going on with Terry Sloane.
Sam: Probably nude selfies.

Dean: I'll tell you another thing, if this actually does work, we're gonna take some time off.
Sam: What, like a vacation?
Dean: Mmh-hmm, and I'm not talking just like a weekend in Vegas, or sitting in some crap motel watching pay-per-porn.

  • 11.03 The Bad Seed: While Cas is looking for his stolen car through a police database, the computer suddenly boots him off the police server and opens up the previous search results icon on the desktop, taking him to Fortune Nookie, the "premiere website for all your Asian girl fantasies."
  • 11.21 All in the Family: When Dean catches Chuck watching curling, he asks him if he is using his laptop. Chuck goes on to tell Dean he has never seen so much porn in one sitting.

Sam: Uh, Dean, do you remember HBO?
Dean: Uh...
Sam: Cinemax?
Dean: Skinemax?

Dean: Computers, heh. Monsters, porn. Is there anything they can't do?

Dean: Ah. The internet. Not just for porn anymore.

Dean: If it could take us somewhere other than, uh, tentacle porn land - not that there’s anything wrong with that.

Castiel: Everyone believed Gabriel was gone. And suddenly, I was free. No obligation to God or Heaven, or mankind. And so, I did what anyone would do - I moved to Monte Carlo and shacked up with porn stars." Well… He goes on and on for quite a while about porn stars and, uh...

Sam: And sure, yeah, hookers in Monte Carlo sounds great, but your family needs you. Jack, your nephew, needs you. The world needs you. We need you. Gabriel, I need you. So, please, help us.
Gabriel: Porn stars. They were porn stars, Sam.

Gabriel: Remember when I told you what happened after I faked my death at the Elysian Motel?
Sam: Yeah, of course. You went to, uh, Monte Carlo with a bunch of porn stars.

Dean: I thought this story had porn stars.
Gabriel: Ah! Good catch. My bad. I had it made - all the booze I could drink, all the, uh, entertainment I could handle.

Dean: You know, none of this would've happened if you'd had just… stuck around and helped us fight Lucifer.
Gabriel: Hey, I did help you. Casa Erotica?
Sam: You call that help?
Gabriel: I call that art. But yes, without me, you two chuckleheads never would've known how to throw Lucifer back in the Cage.
Dean: But instead of giving us a hand, you ran. And you just did it again when you ditched us in the bunker.

  • 14.10 Nihilism: In the office in Rocky's Bar, which is a space within Dean's subconscious, there is a Busty Asian Beauties calendar on the wall.

Dean: What you looking at? Porn? Sex tapes? Nip slips?
Sam: The Internet is more than just naked people. You do know that, right?
Dean: Not my Internet.

Chuck: Ugh. Billie. I liked the old Death better. He was all about fried pickles and tickle porn. This new Death- she's always sticking her scythe where it doesn't belong.

Sam: Uhm, I hope my room wasn't too bad.
Eileen: It was. But I don't know, kind of cool you have all that spell stuff under your bed. Most guys just have porn.
Dean: [He mouths: "He has porn".]
Eileen: [She whispers] I know.

Alt!Dean: I got to tell you, Sammy, this Sam and Dean, you know, sure they're simple, but they've got this place of their own. There's no quarterly reports, there's no investor calls, there's just – there's nothing to do but hunt monsters, drink beer, and watch porn.
Voice on computer: Hey, there, big boy.
Alt!Sam: Yeah!
Alt!Dean: They've got it made.

Known Porn Stars

See also
