Salute to Supernatural Seattle 2019
Creation Entertainment held a Salute to Supernatural convention in Seattle, Washington on 8-10 February 2019, at the Westin Seattle.
For information on other conventions, check Convention Category and the Convention Calendar.
The Twitter tag for this convention: #SPNSEA
Salute to Supernatural Seattle 2019 was effectively cancelled on Saturday 9th February 2019 after a state of emergency was declared in Washington due to snowstorms. On Saturday the planned schedule was suspended and there was an altered schedule with panels by Rachel Miner, Chris Schmelke and Megan Padalecki as well as trivia and other games. Some fans started an impromptu jam in the vendor’s room and Billy Moran joined in.Creation Entertainment announced in the afternoon that due to the danger of travelling they had cancelled the Saturday Night Special and the Sunday program. Misha, who had been in a minor car accident earlier in the day due to the snow, sent pizza and Jared and Jensen sent a video to fans at the con expressing their regret at the cancellation.
Creation Entertainment offered refunds to fans. Those with Meet and Greet tickets were able to use them at subsequent conventions.
Confirmed Guests
- Jensen Ackles - cancelled
- Jared Padalecki - cancelled
- Misha Collins - cancelled
- Richard Speight Jr. - cancelled
- Rob Benedict - cancelled
- Matt Cohen - cancelled
- Briana Buckmaster - cancelled
- Kim Rhodes - cancelled
- Ruth Connell - cancelled
- Rachel Miner
- Jim Beaver - cancelled
- Samantha Smith - cancelled
- Alaina Huffman - cancelled
- Chad Lindberg
- Jason Manns - cancelled
- Louden Swain (house band) - cancelled
Additional Events
- Ghost Tour with Chad Lindberg
- Kim & Briana's PJ Party
- 300th Episode Screening
- Acoustic Jam with Louden Swain
- Photography Q&A with Chris Schmelke
Friday, 8 February 2019
- 10:45 am Welcome with Richard Speight, Jr & Rob Benedict
- 11:00 am Alaina Huffman (Abaddon), Chad Lindberg (Ash) & Rachel Miner (Meg Masters)
- 1:45 pm Jason Manns (Singer/Songwriter)
- 3:30 pm Briana Buckmaster (Sheriff Donna Hanscum) & Kim Rhodes (Sheriff Jody Mills)
- 4:30 pm Jim Beaver (Bobby Singer)
Saturday, 9 December 2019
- 11:15 am Rachel Miner
- 2:00 pm Megan Padalecki
- 3:30 pm Chris Schmelke (and Billy Moran)
Tweet Summaries
- Thurs & Fri Extras by spndeangirl
- Thurs & Fri Extras by raloriaspn_Zlcr5u
- Alaina Huffman, Chad Lindberg & Rachel Miner by spndeangirl
- Alaina Huffman, Chad Lindberg & Rachel Miner by raloriaspn_Zlcr5u
- Jason Manns by spndeangirl
- Jason Manns by raloriaspn_Zlcr5u
- Briana Buckmaster & Kim Rhodes by spndeangirl
- Briana Buckmaster & Kim Rhodes by raloriaspn_Zlcr5u
- Jim Beaver by spndeangirl
- Jim Beaver by raloriaspn_Zlcr5u
- Sat Extras & Con Cancelation by spndeangirl
- Sat Extras & Con Cancelation by raloriaspn_Zlcr5u
- Rachel Miner by spndeangirl
- Rachel Miner by raloriaspn_Zlcr5u
- Megan Padalecki by spndeangirl
- Megan Padalecki by raloriaspn_Zlcr5u
- Chris Schmelke (and Billy Moran) by spndeangirl
- Chris Schmelke (and Billy Moran) by raloriaspn_Zlcr5u
- Sun Extras & Con Cancelation by spndeangirl
- Sun Extras & Con Cancelation by raloriaspn_Zlcr5u
- Making the Best Out of Being Snowed In by Nerds and Beyond
Karaoke and Concerts
- Saturday night karaoke - Carry On My Wayward Son by Emma Kirkland
- Fan-led Vendor Room Jam by Mamabug1981
- Welcome with Richard Speight, Jr & Rob Benedict by Gayled_it
- Alaina Huffman, Chad Lindberg & Rachel Miner by Gayled_it
- Jason Manns by Gayled_it
- Briana Buckmaster & Kim Rhodes by Gayled_it
- Jim Beaver Part 2 by Gayled_it
- Rachel Miner by Gayled_it
- Chris Schmelke (and Billy Moran) by Gayled_it
J2 Message by Gayled_It
Playlist: Seacon Playlist by sil9800
Dickchat: Seacon Dickchat by IDKswain
- Karaoke #1 Karaoke #2 Karaoke #3 Karaoke #4, vendors room jam, Chris Schmelke and Billy Moran, Heroes by superinspired67
- Salute to Supernatural Seattle (For tickets and more details)
- Full Intended Schedule
- Creation Entertainment's Website
- Creation's Supernatural Cons Website
- Facebook group or Facebook group