Salute to Supernatural Washington DC 2022
Creation Entertainment held a "Salute to Supernatural" convention in Washington DC on 12-14 August 2022 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott.
Note this is a change from the initially advertised date of 9-11 July 2021.
For information on other conventions, check Convention Category and the Convention Calendar.
The Twitter tag for this convention: #SPNDC
Confirmed Guests
- Jensen Ackles
- Jared Padalecki
- Misha Collins
- Rob Benedict - absent Friday
- Matt Cohen
- Briana Buckmaster
- Kim Rhodes
- Tahmoh Penikett
- Nate Torrence
- Carrie Genze
- Alexander Calvert
- Jason Manns
- Louden Swain (house band)
- Samantha Smith - replacement guest
Richard Speight, Jr.- cancelled -
Ruth Connell- cancelled -
Lisa Berry- cancelled -
Timothy Omundson- cancelled - David Haydn-Jones - replacement guest
- DJ Qualls - replacement guest
Julian Richings- cancelled - Jake Abel - replacement guest
Additional Events
- Kim & Briana's PJ Party
- Sammies with Sam
- Jewelry Making with Jodi
- Make-up 101 Class with Victoria Righthand
- Photography Q&A and Editing Tutorial with Chris S.
- Manns Cave with Jason Manns
- Dinner with Davey
- Acoustic Jam with Louden Swain
Friday, 12 August 2022
- 10:30 am Welcome
- 10:45 am Jake Abel
- 11:30 am Carrie Genzel & Nate Torrence
- 1:00 pm Samantha Smith
- 1:45 pm Jason Manns
- 3:00 pm DJ Qualls
- 3:45 pm Briana Buckmaster & Kim Rhodes
- 9:00 pm Karaoke
Saturday, 13 August 2022
- 9:45 am Welcome
- 10:00 am Rob Benedict & Matt Cohen
- 10:45 am Briana Buckmaster, Carrie Genzel, Kim Rhodes & Sam Smith
- 1:00 pm Tahmoh Penikett
- 1:45 pm Misha Collins
- 2:45 pm DJ Qualls
- 4:30 pm David Haydn-Jones
- 9:15 pm Saturday Night Special Starring Louden Swain
Sunday, 14 August 2022
- 11:30 am Jared & Jensen Exclusive Gold Panel
- 1:45 pm Welcome
- 2:00 pm David Haydn-Jones
- 2:45 pm Alex Calvert
- 3:30 pm Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles
- 4:45 pm Louden Swain
Tweet Summaries
- Thurs & Fri Extras by raloria_spncon
- Jake Abel by raloria_spncon
- Carrie Genzel & Nate Torrence by raloria_spncon
- Samantha Smith by raloria_spncon
- Jason Manns by raloria_spncon
- DJ Qualls by raloria_spncon
- Briana Buckmaster & Kim Rhodes by raloria_spncon
- Karaoke by raloria_spncon
- Saturday Extras by raloria_spncon
- Rob Benedict & Matt Cohen by raloria_spncon
- Briana Buckmaster, Carrie Genzel, Kim Rhodes & Sam Smith by raloria_spncon
- Tahmoh Penikett by raloria_spncon
- Misha Collins by raloria_spncon
- DJ Qualls by raloria_spncon
- David Haydn-Jones by raloria_spncon
- Saturday Night Special Starring Louden Swain by raloria_spncon
- Sunday Extras by raloria_spncon
- Jared & Jensen Exclusive Gold Panel by raloria_spncon
- David Haydn-Jones by raloria_spncon
- Alex Calvert by raloria_spncon
- Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles by raloria_spncon
- Louden Swain by raloria_spncon
Karaoke and Concerts
Louden Swain Vendor Room Jam
- Louden Swain Vendor Room Jam by VickyVictoriaG
Saturday Night Special
- Saturday Night Special by Kreespa
- DC 2022 SNS (playlist) by Rachel Howard
- SNS (playlist) by Joelle Modderman
Welcome + Jake Abel
- Welcome + Jake Abel by Kreespa
- Jake Abel by Hanmei Cui
Carrie Genzel & Nate Torrence
- Carrie Genzel & Nate Torrence by Kreespa
- Carrie Genzel & Nate Torrence by Hanmei Cui
Samantha Smith
- Samantha Smith by Kreespa
- Samantha Smith by Joelle Modderman
Jason Manns
- Jason Manns by Kreespa
- Jason Manns by Joelle Modderman
DJ Qualls
Briana Buckmaster & Kim Rhodes
- Briana Buckmaster & Kim Rhodes by Kreespa
- Briana Buckmaster & Kim Rhodes by Joelle Modderman
Welcome + Rob Benedict & Matt Cohen
- Welcome + Rob Benedict & Matt Cohen by Kreespa
- Welcome + Rob Benedict & Matt Cohen by Joelle Modderman
Briana Buckmaster, Carrie Genzel, Kim Rhodes & Sam Smith
- Briana Buckmaster, Carrie Genzel, Kim Rhodes & Sam Smith by Kreespa
- Briana Buckmaster, Carrie Genzel, Kim Rhodes & Sam Smith by Joelle Modderman
Tahmoh Penikett
- Tahmoh Penikett by Kreespa
- Tahmoh Penikett by Joelle Modderman
Misha Collins
- Misha Collins by Kreespa
- Misha Collins by Hanmei Cui
- Misha Collins by Joelle Modderman
DJ Qualls
David Haydn-Jones
- David Haydn-Jones by Kreespa
- David Haydn-Jones by Joelle Modderman
Jared & Jensen Exclusive Gold Panel
- Jared & Jensen Exclusive Gold Panel by Kreespa
- Jared & Jensen Exclusive Gold Panel by Hanmei Cui
Welcome + David Haydn-Jones
- Welcome + David Haydn-Jones by Kreespa
- Welcome David Haydn-Jones by Joelle Modderman
Alex Calvert
- Alex Calvert by Kreespa
- Alex Calvert by Hanmei Cui
- Alex Calvert by Joelle Modderman
Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles
- Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles by Kreespa
- Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles by Hanmei Cui
- Jared Padalecki & Jensen Ackles by Joelle Modderman
Louden Swain
- Louden Swain by Kreespa
- Louden Swain by Hanmei Cui
- Louden Swain by Joelle Modderman
- ‘Supernatural’ Cast in Washington, D.C. by Nerds & Beyond
- Salute to Supernatural DC (For tickets and more details)
- Full schedule
- Creation Entertainment's Website
- Creation's Supernatural Cons Website
- Facebook group or Facebook group