Shotguns and Salt-Lines
From Super-wiki
Shotguns and Salt-Lines is an anthology of Supernatural gen fanfiction suitable for readers aged 13+, compiled by amchara.
The anthology was released in January, 2007.
It is available for download as a PDF, or pre-bound purchase from cafepress.
- dotfic - Recoil
- clexmonkie_89 - Twelve Times Dad Threatened to Turn the Car Around (and three times Dean almost rode in the trunk)
- alethialia - You Get What You Give
- fatale - By Some Forgotten Chance
- eloise_bright - Training Methods
- obsessedmuch - Whisper Down the Lane
- lyra_wing - For Anything Under the Sky
- iamstealthyone - ...And All I Got Was This Lousy T-shirt
- innie_darling - Vocabulary
- eighth_horizon - Deliberation
- stele3 - 1300 days, part two
- estrella30 - Never, Not Once
- onelittlesleep - The Highway’s On My Moonlight Drive
- krisomniac - Strip, Poker, Boom
- marinarusalka - Bargains
- researchgrrrl - Muscle of Love
- ignipes - Never Summer
- big_pink - Cirque de Celine
- poisontaster - All I Hear Is Your Heart