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11.09 O Brother Where Art Thou?

2 bytes removed, 21:24, 2 January 2016
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On the other side of town, Amara continues her search for God in a church, and asks a priest how she can meet God. He explains that no person has met God, and that she can talk to Him through prayers. Not satisfied by the priests answers, Amara consumes the [[soul]]s from everyone in the church and slaughters them.
Back in [[Crowley’s Crowley's Lair]], his [[demons]] bring him the captured Rowena. After a short bickering over who hates the other more, Dean and Sam come and explain the situation -- the four of them need to work together to lock away the Darkness that was unleashed when the [[Mark of Cain]] was removed. Rowena demands her safety after doing her part, which Crowley agrees to, until the next time Rowena decides to go after him.
A group of [[angels]] discuss how they should act against the Darkness, frustrated with the inaction of the powers in [[Heaven]], a [[Head Angel|nameless angel]] convinces the others to rally together and to spread the word, get past their differences and stand united against the Darkness.

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