Team Winchester

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Team Winchester Promo Banner.gif

Team Winchester (also known as "TW") was an organization dedicated to promoting Supernatural and increasing viewership via digital, print, and street campaigns. The Team was comprised of thousands of Supernatural fans who pledged to actively promote the show in order to increase ratings and ensure safe renewal for future seasons.

Team Winchester was started in 2007 to promote Supernatural. The official web site no longer exists; related sites have been inactive since early 2009. However, an archive containing a variety of Team Winchester-related materials (screenshots of the original website and MySpace page, promotional graphics and flyers, animated banners, etc) can currently be found at

The TW Street Teams

TW Street Teams were localized chapters of Team Winchester, which were run by appointed Street Team Captains. The Street Teams were created to ensure promotional coverage in large US cities and cities that tend to hold major events. There were five Street Teams - click on the desired link to visit that Team's MySpace headquarters.

Phoenix, Arizona
The Bay Area, California
Wichita, Kansas
Columbus, Ohio
Miami, Florida

To apply to become a Street Team Captain, candidates could email their information and qualifications to

The Official Team Winchester Links, the Main TW site, no longer exists. Here you could join the Team, download promo files, keep updated on the latest TW news, and more.
TW on MySpace The official TW MySpace page previously offered cut-and-paste image codes, contact tables, TW bulletins, and more. The page is still technically live but most of the original content disappeared after MySpace reformatted its site.
TW Vids The TW Video Arsenal, which offers older CW episode promos as well as fan-made promos & music vids. Last updated in 2008. (no longer related) was once the TW Store, where you could shop for official Team Winchester merchandise to promote the show.