Timeline (Season 2)
- Days spent on each case include the day after they solve them, if it is shown in the episode.
- Day counts assume one driving day in cases when the boys hear about the case and must travel to the location, unless otherwise stated.
- Day counts count partial days as full days (meaning if an episode starts late at night, that night counts as a day)
- Priority of information sources: A)Dialogue, B)Logic, C)Art/Props Department, D)Other Official Sources, E)Conjecture.
- 1 July 16th - 19th or August 2nd - 6th, 2006 - 2.01 In My Time of Dying
- 2 Shortly after August 12th, 2006 - 2.02 Everybody Loves a Clown
- 3 Mid-End August, 2006 - 2.03 Bloodlust
- 4 ~August 29th, 2006 - 2.04 Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things
- 5 September 2006 - 2.05 Simon Said
- 6 Before September 28th, 2006 - 2.06 No Exit
- 7 Unknown (October?), 2006 - 2.07 The Usual Suspects
- 8 November 2006 - 2.08 Crossroad Blues
- 9 Late November 2006 - 2.09 Croatoan
- 10 Late November/Early December 2006 - 2.10 Hunted
- 11 January 2007 - 2.11 Playthings
- 12 January 2007 - 2.12 Nightshifter
- 13 Mid-January - 2.13 Houses of the Holy
- 14 Late January - Early February 2007 - 2.14 Born Under a Bad Sign
- 15 Mid February 2007 - 2.15 Tall Tales
- 16 February 22nd, 2007 - 2.16 Roadkill
- 17 ~March 3rd, 2007 - 2.17 Heart
- 18 March 2007 - 2.18 Hollywood Babylon
- 19 ~Late March/Early April 2007 - 2.19 Folsom Prison Blues
- 20 ~April 2007 - 2.20 What Is and What Should Never Be
- 21 April 29th - May 2nd, 2007 - 2.21 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part One and 2.22 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part Two
- 22 Additional timelines
July 16th - 19th or August 2nd - 6th, 2006 - 2.01 In My Time of Dying
Day Count: 4
Location: Missouri; Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
The Winchesters recover from the car crash to varying degrees of success.
- John dies on either July 19th or August 6th, 2006
- There is a conflict in the monitors on this show, as John's monitor says that it is July 19th 2006, when they declare him to be dead (at 10:41am); however, if you listen to the DVD commentary, you find out that this episode was filmed the week of July 19th - which means that John's monitor reflects the day of filming, rather than Dean's monitor that reflects an unrelated day. (As episodes are usually filmed during an 8 day period, it's unlikely that they were still filming this episode on August 4th). So, originally I took August 4th as the date for the timeline; however, information given in S4 seems to indicate that John may have died in July (see S4 On The Head of A Pin notes).
- The Missouri location is information found on special feature "Devil's Roadmap" on the Season 2 DVDs.
Shortly after August 12th, 2006 - 2.02 Everybody Loves a Clown
Day Count: 4
Location: Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Nebraska; Medford, Wisconsin
The boys have been at Bobby's for a week, when Sam finds an old message on John's phone, which in turn leads them to the Harvelle's Roadhouse. They spend 4 days (including the day Sam finds the message) working at jobs at a carnival in Medford Wisconsin, where Everybody Loves a Clown except for Sam.
Mid-End August, 2006 - 2.03 Bloodlust
Day Count: 3
Location: Red Lodge, Montana
Sam and Dean spend 3 days exploring a possible hunt in Red Lodge, Montana, where they meet Gordon, a hunter with a particular Bloodlust for vampires.
- The Impala is fully repaired, so we can assume that this episode takes place a considerable amount of time after the previous one, however, given that the next episode takes place at the very end of August, we'll have to assume that Dean got the impala all fixed up in only two weeks - apparently the car has the same magic healing powers as the boys do - and that the next episode follows closely on the heels of this one.
~August 29th, 2006 - 2.04 Children Shouldn't Play with Dead Things
Day Count: 4
Location: Illinois
The Winchesters head to Illinois, where they spend 4 days teaching us that Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things. Sam breaks his wrist.
- Oddly, according to The Devil's Road Map on the S2 DVD, Mary Winchester's grave is in Illinois and not in Lawrence, Kansas
- Angela Mason dies on August 22nd - date on her cellphone; the boys arrive in town a week later - Sam says she "died last week", and four days after her funeral - Dean says "she was buried four days ago".
- Special note: The temporary gravestone marker also has dates on it, however they are out of sync with both the date on Angela's cellphone when she dies, and also with what year it is, so they are disregarded for the purposes of this timeline.
September 2006 - 2.05 Simon Said
Day Count: 3
Location: Guthrie, Oklahoma; Nebraska.
A vision leads Sam and Dean to travel to Guthrie, Oklahoma (and two stops at The Roadhouse). They spend 3 days (2 days and 1 night) in this episode, and only one day and a morning in Guthrie. In Guthrie, they meet Andy, who has abilities like Sam.
- Sam says his abilities started "about a year ago," which can be interpreted as meaning a little under a year.
Before September 28th, 2006 - 2.06 No Exit
Day Count: 8 or 9
Location: Nebraska; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Following immediately after the previous episode, Jo sends Sam and Dean on a hunt to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, for 8 or 9 days.
- The invitation one of the victims gets in the mail is for a party on Thursday Sept. 28th, this happens on the fourth day of the episode.
- Note: 2 days have been added to the count, as it's nearly a 24 hour drive between Nebraska, the presumed location of the Roadhouse, and Philadelphia.
Unknown (October?), 2006 - 2.07 The Usual Suspects
Day Count: 4
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
Sam and Dean spend 4 days in Baltimore, Maryland, where they become The Usual Suspects in a series of murders. One day to hear about the job and go to Baltimore, 24 hours in police custody, one day is experienced through flashbacks, and then one day is presumably spent getting the Impala back once they escape.
November 2006 - 2.08 Crossroad Blues
Day Count: 5
Location: Greenwood, Mississippi
Sam and Dean track some bizarre deaths in Greenwood, Mississippi, for about 5 days, and encounter a Crossroads Demon.
Late November 2006 - 2.09 Croatoan
Day Count: 3
Location: River Grove, Oregon
Sam has a vision that leads him and Dean to River Grove, Oregan, for 3 days where they find the word Croatoan craved into a tree and discover that the town is infected with a demonic virus.
- See 2.10 Hunted notes for details on date.
Late November/Early December 2006 - 2.10 Hunted
Day Count: 6
Location: Nebraska; Lafayette, Indiana.
Immediately following the events of Croatoan, Sam strikes out on his own, stops at the Roadhouse, and then heads to Lafayette, Indiana, only to end up Hunted by Gordon. The episode spans at least 6 days, 4 of which we see, at least 2 of which are spent driving.
- The dead guy's prescription bottles read 23/10/06 and are nearly full. It is said that he was killed "about a month ago" and Ava says her abilities started "about a year ago".
January 2007 - 2.11 Playthings
Day Count: 4
Location: Cornwall, Connecticut.
Sam and Dean stay at an Inn in Cornwall, Connecticut, that is filled with interesting Playthings. The episode takes place over 4 days.
- 1 added for travel from Peoria, IL to location.
- Sam says that they've been looking for Ava for a month, which means that a month has passed since the previous episode and this one.
- This is the last episode in which Sam has a cast.
January 2007 - 2.12 Nightshifter
Day Count: 3
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
The boys run into trouble with the law again, when they are trapped in a hostage situation with a shapeshifter in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
- The episode takes place over exactly 3 days, because the boys are already in Milwaukee at the beginning of the episode.
Mid-January - 2.13 Houses of the Holy
Day Count: 2
Location: Providence, Rhode Island
The boys investigate Houses of the Holy in Providence, Rhode Island, where they debate the existence of angels.
- The episode takes place over exactly 2 days, as the boys are already mid-investigation when it begins.
- Fr. Gregory's tombstone says 2007, and the other priest says that he died 2 months ago...but we know that Roadkill takes place on February 22nd, yet the two episodes between this one and Roadkill consume nearly a month's worth of days, which would mean that this episode would have to take place before January 22nd in order for the numbers to work out. So, either this takes place in mid-January and the tombstone is wrong, or events in the series are shown out of order and Houses of the Holy takes place AFTER Roadkill, I suppose the choice is yours, but personally I prefer to keep things in episodic order - so I believe this episode takes place mid-January and the tombstone date should be ignored.
Late January - Early February 2007 - 2.14 Born Under a Bad Sign
Day Count: 3 (on screen), 17 (plot-total - see notes)
Location: Duluth, Minnesota; Sioux Falls, South Dakota; Unknown locations; West Texas (mentioned).
Poor Sam was Born Under a Bad Sign and goes missing for "over a week" (departing from West Texas) and eventually leads Dean on a 3 day chase (assuming it takes within one day for Dean to reach Sam when he calls at the beginning of the episode) that goes through Duluth, Minnisota, and ends in South Dakota.
- Since Sam had been missing for "over a week", this means that by the end of the episode, at least 17 days have passed. Because 2.13 Houses of the Holy left the boys in Rhode Island, yet Sam disappeared from West Texas...that's AT LEAST 4 days of travel, if not more.
Mid February 2007 - 2.15 Tall Tales
Day Count: 5 or 6
Location: Springfield, Ohio
The boys tell Bobby some Tall Tales when they encounter a Trickster in Springfield, Ohio.
- Bobby helps them for either 1 or 2 days, and there are 4 days worth of flashbacks (excluding the flashbacks that happen on the day Bobby arrives), which brings us to a total of 5 or 6 days.
- We know it's only been a short time since the boys left Bobby's, since he says "it's nice to see you again so soon."
February 22nd, 2007 - 2.16 Roadkill
Day Count: 1 night (3 days, including flashbacks)
Location: Nevada (or Western California - according to the Devil's Road Map special feature on the Season 2 DVDs)
Sam and Dean spend a night with a woman named Molly trying to find the grave of a farmer who ended up as Roadkill.
- The events of the episode take place over only one night, but through flashbacks we can guess that the boys probably spent at least 3 days researching the case beforehand.
~March 3rd, 2007 - 2.17 Heart
Day Count: 4
Location: San Francisco, California
Dean's happy to discover a werewolf in San Francisco, California, until it spends 4 days ripping Sam's Heart out, metaphorically.
- If we assume that the boys went to San Francisco directly after the events of Roadkill, then the first full moon would have been on March 3rd.
March 2007 - 2.18 Hollywood Babylon
Day Count: 5-7 days
Location: Los Angeles, California
Still in California, the boys head down to Los Angeles to check out a haunted movie set for at least 5 days, possibly a full week.
~Late March/Early April 2007 - 2.19 Folsom Prison Blues
Day Count: (at least) 7 days.
Location: Arkansas
Sam and Dean are arrested in Arkansas, in order to check out a haunting at a local prison. The episode takes place over at least a week, and the boys are incarcerated at the prison for at least 4 days.
- Due to the complexity of the set up, and the fact that the boys were called there on a favor, we can guess that there would have been a substantial number of days of research and planning before the beginning of the episode.
~April 2007 - 2.20 What Is and What Should Never Be
Day Count: a few hours (reality); ~2 days (inside Dean's head).
Location: Joliet, Illinois (reality); Lawrence, Kansas (inside Dean's head).
Dean learns What Is And What Should Never Be one night, when he encounters a Djinn in Joliet, Illinois.
- Although Dean experiences several days inside his wish, in reality it's only a few hours.
- The boys are still freaked out by cop cars, so we can guess that this may be their first stop since escaping prison in Arkansas.
April 29th - May 2nd, 2007 - 2.21 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part One and 2.22 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part Two
Day Count: 4
Location: Cold Oak, South Dakota
All Hell Breaks Loose when Sam disappears from a roadside cafe and ends up in Cold Oak, South Dakota. Dean takes 24 hours to find him, but by then the damage is done. Part II picks up an estimated 2 days later and spans 2 days. In total, including the missing estimated two days, the two parts span 4 days (the first day of Part II being the same day as the second of the two missing days).
- According to the Season Two Companion Book (but NOT accredited to Kripke or anyone specific), Sam was resurrected on his birthday May 2nd...this can only be confirmed partially using information in the episodes: the episodes do occur in early May - Sam tells Ava that she's been missing for 5 months, and asked the others if they are also 23 (not 24, as Sam would be if it were after his birthday) - so it's possible, but a horrible Birthday for Sam IMO. Also note: In S3 episode Ghostfacers, Sam mentions that Dean's deal comes due in 2 months. We know Ghostfacers occurs on February 28/29th, so that also supports the May date for the deal. Many people write it as though he died on May 2nd, but Dean waits 2 days before he resurrects Sam, so Sam actually dies at the end of April.
- This episode could have also taken place between May 15th - May 18th, 2007. Dean dies a year to the day of his deal at the end of Season 3, and then is resurrected, in Season 4, "four months later" on September 18th. If we take that "four months" literally, then that would mean that Dean would have had to make his deal on May 18th. However, I prefer to think that the "four months" mentioned was just an approximation, and it had actually been a little over four months, they were just rounding down.
All Information for this Timeline taken from hells_half_acre's SPN Timeline
Additional timelines
- Season 1-3 timeline based on dates as mentioned in text or shown on screen by Lle Llywela
- Season 2 Timeline -compiled by killa