The wish-verse is the name given to the alternate reality Dean is forced into by the djinn in 2.20 What Is and What Should Never Be, so that it can keep him in a dream state while it feeds from his blood.
It is an important point that this is not Dean's view of how he wants his life to be, but rather a construct of his subconscious formed from the one wish - that his mother had never died.
- Sam: I thought it was supposed to be this perfect fantasy.
- Dean: It wasn't. It was just a wish. I wished for Mom to live. Mom never died, we never went hunting and you and me just never... ya know.
In the wish-verse, Dean is a mechanic and has a girlfriend named Carmen Porter, who we later learn is based on a model from a beer ad. Sam is at college, and engaged to Jess; he and Dean are not close, due to such factors as Dean hooking up with Sam's prom date at Sam's prom. Mary still lives in the family home, but John died the previous year of a stroke. The most significant detail is that most if not all of the people that Sam and Dean would have saved on their hunts are now dead, as Sam and Dean were never there to save them.