1.08 Fine Is a Four Letter Word

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Title Fine is a Four Letter Word
Episode # Season 1, Episode 8
First aired April 8 2021
Directed by Stacey K. Black
Written by Katherine Alyse
Outline A tornado touches down in Austin and all hands on deck to keep the kids and community safe. Walker, Micki and Trey rush to the school where the kids are at the school dance. Walker's parents stop at a store for supplies where old memories resurface and the two are forced to discuss their marriage. Liam and Bret get trapped in elevator and Liam has a heart to heart talk.
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Walker is flipping pancakes for breakfast. They are having a family breakfast. Liam is speaking to Micki regarding how Walker knew all along that Mendoza didn't kill Emily and that they all thought he was just being obsessive. Liam has been sleeping in his office for a week, as he is staying away from everyone to prevent anyone from getting hurt. Micki has been told by James to stay alert and that was it. Micki has done her own digging and that she needs Liam's help to put final piece together. Micki tells Liam that Walker needs to know about Emily's murderer still out there, and now everyone maybe in danger. Liam promises to tell Walker. Both Trevor and Stella are getting ready for the dance. Abeline is helping Stella. Trevor makes a stop at the prison to visit his father, Clint. Clint has been keeping tabs on some friends of his and thinks its a great idea that Trevor is so close to Walker's daughter as to use this as part of his revenge. Clint proceeds to trade some vending machine food for some flowers and makes a Corsage. Walker has made his own flowers out of weeds and flowers for Stella to put on Trevor's shirt. The vision of Emily appears and tells Walker to get rid of the weeds. They both have a nice moment before she disappears. Walker gives Stella the flowers and also a necklace of Emily's to wear. Abeline runs from inside to take pictures. Walker smiles as Stella is off to the dance with Trevor. Bonham askes Abeline if she wants to help him stock up on some supplies. Abeline jokes about how he plans such a romantic date night. Walker is inside know and is speaking with Liam, wanting to go out as he is free for the first time in a long time. Liam says that he is busy and that the next day will be better. Walker proceeds to text Micki about partaking in Game night and orders two pizzas. In the background, there is a weather report about a Tornado watch for a few counties in Austin. There is a knock at the door of Liam's office. It is Bret and Liam opens the door. Bret is there as he hasn't seen him in a week and wants to take him out to dinner. Liam says he is working on a bug case and doesnt have time. Bret insists. Liam cleans up his office and they make there way to the elevator.

At game night, Trey and Micki are sharing in some fun and laughs. Micki tells Trey that Walker is coming over. Trey jokes that Walker is presumptuous. Micki agrees and Trey then tries to see if he can get any details about Adriana as Micki has been quiet about the whole subject since the arrest. Micki does not want to talk about it with Trey. Walker shows up with two pizza's. As he is about to settle in, alerts on cell phones chime, the alert is about a Tornado warning at Flournoy Acres, where the kids are having their dance. Walker tells them he needs to go and Micki and Trey proceed to follow him so they can help.

Stella is watching how much fun Trevor, August, Bel and Ruby are having. She feels something in the jacket pocket. She pulls is out and its a visitor pass to see inmate "Clint West". Stella stares at Trevor, who now realizes that she knows that he has been lying to her. Stella storms out of the room. Micki, Walker, Trey and Ruby'd grandfather are . driving back to the school. Micki apologizes for freezing and getting Walker hurt. Walker shrugs it off and starts talking about the Adriana case. This gets Trey's attention and he now knows that Walker knows more about situation with Adriana and he does not. Micki is then forced to tell Trey the truth about Adriana being her aunt and not her mother. Trey is shocked that he had no idea but yet Walker knew everything. Walker stops the conversation as they come across a disaster area with debris and others hurt. They stop and help. Trey climbs up a car to check on a passenger. As the passenger is being passed to Micki, some debris comes falling down knocking Trey to the ground. Micki and Trey have a heart to heart about how she was protecting herself and that he is a big part of her story and she didn't want to burden him. Trey tells Micki he loves her.

Back at the dance, Walker is updating Micki on the people they saved. Walker also apologizes for the truth coming out the way it did. Micki reminds Walker that the reason why she didn't tell him right away was because she didn't want it to be real. Walker understands this. Liam askes Walker to meet him outside as he needs to tell him something. Walker runs into Julie who proceeds to give Walker her number as she would like to go out with him. Walker fumbles around his words and explains he may not necessarily be ready but she expressed that she will be around. At the same time, Liam is speaking with Bret and apologizes for what he did down in Mexico and tell him that he loves him. Bret does not want to listen to any of this and explains that Liam doesn't get to control how things work. Bonham is trying to apologize for the earlier events with Gary by asking Abeline to dance. They both confess that they both have been angry about what happened with her and Gary. They start dancing. Stella and Trevor are talking about Clint and she thinks that it was all a plan to get close. Trevor explains to Stella that he would never have planned this and that he really cares for her. They start dancing but midway, Trevor runs off. Trey is laying in a stretcher, who seems to have a concussion. Micki apologizes for lying to him. Trey explains that being in a partnership means that the "messy" parts are what two people who love each other deal with together.

Walker and Liam are sitting on school benches. Walker tells Liam about getting a number and Liam wants him to be happy. Walker knows Liam is not doing well. Liam tells Walker that he broke up with Bret to protect him as there are bad people who will put everyone in danger because of the information that him and James found out about Emily's murder. Liam tells Walker that he was right all along and that someone else killed Emily and there are ties to the Northside Gang and they are dangerous people and that everyone is in danger. Walker is showing all different kinds of emotion(anger, frustration and sadness). Walker appreciates Liam telling him as this has been weighing on him since Mexico. Walker proceeds to take a deep breath, gets up and walks away. As he is walking away. the vision of Emily appears who has tears in her eyes. Walker and Emily walk away together out of frame.



  • "It's Better to Spend Money Like There's No Tomorrow" by

(Stella and Trevor getting ready for dance)

  • "Time Undone" by

(Conversation between Micki and Trey during Game night)

  • "Nobody's Favorite" by

(Conversation between kids during dance and Walker, Micki and Trey show up to help with storm)

  • "Way Over My Head" by

(Micki and Walker talking about Trey and Walker flirting with science teacher)

  • "Looking For" by

(Kids dancing at school dance)

  • "Loneliness Pt. II" by

(Conversation between Abeline and Bonham at school dance)

  • "Dust Bowl" by

(Tornado rescue, Trey falls and gets hurt)

  • "I Don't Wanna Dance" by

(Dance with Stella, Trevor, Abeline and Bonham)

  • "So Quickly" by

(Liam tells Walker truth about Emily's murder, and closing scene)


Micki: "But this isn't your secret to keep."
Clint: Well, it's important to keep up with friends no matter where they are."
Emily: "I mean I hate to see you leave."
Walker: "But you love to watch me walk away."
Trevor: "Have you tried Facebook? I hear grandparents love Facebook."
Walker: Kinda sweet, they're still um clumsy dancing during a natural disaster."
Julie Bramlett: "All school dances are natural disasters."
Walker: "Hold on. Haven't we learned that secrets, secrets are no fun?"

Micki: "Excuse me?"
Micki: No, you don't count.
Walker: "Excuse me?"

Micki: 'Look, you are my partner. Trey's my person. I'm not ready for that level of acceptance, honestly."
Bret: "You do not get to decide what I forgive."
Trey: "I think we need a trio name. Micki and I are Tricki, feels like if we add Walker, it's gotta be...."

Micki: "Tricker."
Walker: "Wick-ay, Wicki-rey

Trey: No..No.. hers is much better."
Bonham: "Love is a verb, Liam. It's something you do actively."
Liam: "You have no idea what I'm sacrificing, Dad. It just looks different depending on who you are."
Micki: I did it to protect me. I just... I didn't want it to be true. I just wanted to pretend like it wasn't part of my story. And You. Trey. You are such a big part of my story. I just...If I told you, it would mean it's a part of me too.
Bret: You can't control people react, Liam. All you can do is show up. Be Honest. And let them make their own decisions.
Bonham: But I was thinking... tonight, maybe the dancin's not about the dancin'. It's just about being close.
Trey: "You're not responsible for what hurt you in the past. But you are responsible for what you do in the present."
Walker: "I forget what it was like to flirt as just myself. And, uh, I am not good."

Trivia & References

Referencing the love story between Romeo and Juliet
Trevor: "Can we just dance here...for the rest of this song? Let's just dance. Pretend you're not a Capulet and I'm not a Montague."

Sides, Scripts & Transcripts
