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Malleus Maleficarum Episode 3.09 (transkribed by Kernen Wing) (My Latin spelling is rusty so please forgive any spelling errors.) I can email a text file of the subtitles from the episode, which makes the transcribing a lot easier. missyjack@livejournal.com


Night- a House- Master Bedroom We see a dark room and suddenly the door opens. In walks Janet fallowed by Paul. Paul turns on the lights as Janet is beginning to speak.

Janet: That was just a… terrible, terrible party.

Paul takes her coat off for her. Holding her he begins-

Paul: But there was this one really beautiful woman there. Janet: (turns to face him) you should have gone home with her. Paul: (smiling) I did.

The both smile and share a kiss. Paul unzips her dress.

Janet: I need a few minutes. Paul: Alright there’s a bottle of 89’ in the fridge.

They kiss again. () goes into the bathroom, while Paul goes down stairs to fetch the wine.

(Somewhere else, a match is ignited on a wooden incense ash catcher and a woman begins chanting.

W: Dhahran muk malam fiera. fia hu shi, (lights candle) shi morluan marchoch don dur kion. (Janet is taking off her pearl necklace) (we see an alter made of bones next to the candle.) (Janet is beginning to brush her teeth) Ine boruk. (The woman sets down some folded fabric on to a pentagramic symbol and begins to unfold it, still chanting.) Malam fiera Fia hu shi. (in the fabric is a tooth brush.) Ir morluan (Janet is brushing her teeth with a new toothbrush.) marchoch don dur kione. Ki hir tolic (she picks up an athame at the end of the alter) Dhahran muk (she cuts her right palm and lets the blood spill onto the bristles of the toothbrush) malam fiera, fia hu shi, she morluan (Janet feels something strange a begins to feel her tooth with her fingers) marchoch don dur kionef. Mir tolic (Janet’s tooth comes off, root and all.)

Oh, God!

W: Malam fiera, fia hu shi, she morluan marchoch don bur kionef. (She reaches into her mouth for another loose tooth.) Ki hir tolic malam fiera, ach hu shi. She morluan, marchoch don (Janet pulls yet another tooth out.) ki hir tolic, ine boruk. J: What the— Paul! W: Ya hu shi, she morluan— P: What is it?! J: (bawling) It’s my teeth! (he runs to her aid but the door slams and locks in his face) P: Jannet!!! J: (blood spilling from her mouth and Tears streaming down her face) Help me! W: Bur kionef, ki hir tolic. (Jennet’s teeth start shooting out of her mouth, as she bends over the sink, spewing blood.) Machran malak malam fiera fia hu shi! (Jennet begins choking on her own blood, and Paul bangs on the door struggling to get in.) In del boruk! (the woman stabs the head of the brush quickly and violently. The bathroom door suddenly loosens and opens very slowly. Paul walks in and sees Janet’s dead body, face down in a pool of blood.)



P: She was so scared. (takes a deep breath) I couldn’t help; I couldn’t do anything to stop it. (we see Dean taking thorough notes dressed in a suit) And I-I’ve talked to the police and I’ve talked to the medical examiner and no one can explain it. D: Well, that’s why they put the call into us Mr. Dutton. (Sam’s checking out the bathroom that the incident occurred in. P: But the CDC? That’s disease control, right. (Sam closes the door to the bathroom and gives it a private once over with a flashlight.) What do you think this is some kind of virus? D: We’re not ruling anything out. Mr. Dutton, Did Janet have any enemies? (Sam’s going through the towel rack) Anyone that might have a reason to hurt her? P: W-What are you saying? (Stands up) that someone poisoned her? (Sam looks under the sink.) D: I’m just saying we have to cover every base here. (Sam’s looking at the pipes.) P: What kind of poison? You think a person could have done this? (Sam finds a small leather bag wedged in-between the pipes.) D: Would anyone want to? P: What!? No! No- there’s- there’s no one who… (takes a long pause)(Sam opens the door to the Bathroom and steps out) D: Mr. Dutton? P: Ah- everyone loved Janet. Dean nods and Sam nods back and signals that they should leave now.) D: Ok. Thank you very much; I think we have everything we need. We’ll get out of your way now. Dean turns and walks out, as does Sam.


D: That dude seem a little evasive to you? S: I don’t know, I was under a sink. Pulling this out. (he hands Dean the small bag.) Hex bag! D: (Begins opening it) Aw gross. S: Yeah. (Deans opened it) There are Bird bones, rabbit’s teeth, this cloth is probably cut from one of Mrs. Dutton’s clothes. D: (sighs heavily, as they both begin to continue down the stairs to the car.) So were thinkin’ Witch!? S: Ah, yeah and not some new aged wicked water dowser either. This is old-world Black Magic, Dean. I mean warts and all. (the get into the car) (Sam sighs heavily and Dean slams his door closed.) D: (turns to Sam) I hate witches! (Sam scoffs) Their always spewing their bodily fluids everywhere. S: Pretty much. D: It’s creepy, you know it’s downright unsanitary! S: Yeah, well someone definitely had it out for Janet Dutton. D: Yeah someone who snuck into that house and planted the bag. So are we looking for some craggy old Blair bitch in the woods? S: Could be anyone, naighbor, co-worker, Man, Woman, that’s the problem. Their human thay look like everyone else. D: Then how are we ganna find them? S: This was’nt random. Someone in Janet Dutton’s life had an ugly axe to grind. If we find the motive— D: we find the murderer. S: Yeah. (Dean starts the car and they speed down the road.)

Garden – Day-

A woman is tending to her garden as her naighbor drives up. A bit frazzled the skrambles out of her car, opens the back seet and pulls out a grocery bag.

E: Amanda! (she ignpres her) E: (louder this time) Hey, Amanda! Amanda turns and looks at her.) A: Oh. Elizabeth. Sorry I’ve got like a thousend things on my mind. E: Are you ok sweety? (Amanda stops walking and turns to face her) You werent at book club last night. A: Yeah sorry, I was ganna call but I got bissy. You know? But I’m fine, really I am. (starts walking, and waves) Thanks! (Elizabeth is left somewhat stunned and confused.)

Amanda’s House-

Amanda walks in and sets her grocceries down on the kitchen table. She walks over to the oven and opens it revealing a tray. She pulls out the tray revealing that the food on it is rotten and that its covered in bugs, flies, maggots etc. She sets it down on the table and looks upon it with glee.

Pauls car- night

Paul turns on the radia and the song “Every rose has its thorn” is playing. He begins to eat a burger.

Back at Amanda’s The lights are turned off and candles are lit everywhere. She sets the tray of rotten meat, bugs, rotten brockoly and bones down onto the same pentagramic symbol. She picks up the athame and examins it. She begins to chant as Paul checks his watch after a bite of his burger.

A: Dhahran muk malam fiera. (she sets one of Paul’s watches onto the plate.) marchoch don dur kion. Ki hir tolic, Ine boruk marchoch don kionef. This Dinner was cooked for you Paul Arthur Dutton. ( she stabs the rotten meat) and now you’re going to eat it.

At that moment the song on the radio Paul as listening to changed from “Every rose has its thorn” to “I put a spell on you.” Paul somewhat startled set down his burger, which unannounced to him was now crawling with maggots, and began inspecting the radio. He turned off the radio, reached for his burger, and takes another bite. He notices something is off and pulls out a still wriggling maggot. At this he began to retch and stumbles out of his car as the radio turns itself back on. In the car Dean and Sam speed up and stop just short of hitting Paul.

D: (points at the truck) Check the car. (and Sam does so with haste, while Dean grabs Paul and holds him as he’s dying. (Sam is digging through the car looking for the Hex Bag) Sam?! S: (grabs the bag from under the dash) Got it!

Dean stands Paul up as Sam sets the bag on fire using a lighter. The bag is quickly engulfed in a powerful blue flame. At the same moment Amanda, still chanted is startled when her Alter is engulfed in the same blue flame.

Paul gasps for air.

D: You ok!? P: What the Hell just happened to me? D: Someone murdered your wife and was trying to kill you. That’s what happened. P: But that’s impossible. There’s no way that- D: If we hadn’t been following you, you’d be a doornail by now. Now who wants you dead!? P: I-I D: Come on think! P: I- Threes a woman- D: OK a woman… P: I- a-a-a mistake. She was unbalanced, unstable, Blackmailing me… I put an end to it a week ago. S: What’s her name? P: Wha-w-w-what could she have to do with- D: Paul, what is her name!

Amanda’s House-

Amanda is flipping through the pages of a scrap-book, filled with symbols and a Latin. A curious wind blows through the room. The candles go out and the pages are turning. Terrified Amanda sets down the book as the last lit candle goes out. She screams as large vertical cuts are slit down her left wrist and then her right. She screams as the blood begins to flow faster out of her wounds and ultimately collapses onto the alter knocking everything over, leaving only her and large pools of blood on the glass coffee table.



A dog barking is audable over the sound of a lock being picked. Sam and Dean quietly slip into the room. As they turn on the lights and walked into the room they see the corpse of Amanda over the alter.

D:That’s a curvle ball S: Yeah.

They walk closer and take a closer ispection of the body and the alter.

D: Three per wrist. Virticle. She wad’t foolen around. S: (Ccovers his mouth at the site of the rotten food spilled unto the floor.) Yeah, she was worken some heavy wieght evil here. D: Yep. ( Dean turns around and is startled and jumps at the sight of the corpse of a dead white rabbit.) OH, God! (He whipes his face) Freakin’ Witches! I mean seriously man, come on! S: Guess we know where she got the rabbits teath then. D: Its like fatel attraction all over again. And why does the rabbit always get the raw end of the deal!? ( a drop of blood from its mouth drapes into a gobled full of blood.) Poor little guy. S: You know what I don’t get Dean? If she was so bent on revenge why do this? D: Well, She got Janet Dutton, thought she finnished off Paul, decided to cap herself off and make it a spured lovers hattrick. S: Maybe. (Neils to check out the body.) D: I mean this doesn’t look like tv room of a bright and stable person. You know? S: No. but (climbs under the table) (pulles out another hex bag, and stands up) there is this. (tosses the bag to Dean) D: Another hex bag! Come on… (he unfolds te bag and looks at the bones then tosses it down onto the table.) looks like we got hit, huh. (pulls out his cell) A little witch on witch violance. S: I guess. D: (on the phone, walked toward Sam) I’d like to report a dead body. 309 Mayfare Circle. My name? Yeah sure my name is (he hangs up on them) (puases) why are witches ganken eachother. S: I don’t know. But I think we may have a coven on our hands. Ranee’s house- night

Ranee’ is sitting on the coutch with Tammi. Ranee’s husband walks into the room.

R: Alright Im going. And Im not fooled by your little Bookclub by the way. (The two look at eachother) R: I know what you ladies get up to when Im gone. Its all dish and gossip. (Ranee’ luaghs) (In walks Elizabeth) E: (taking off her Jacket) Hi Ron. R: Oh, Hello Elizabeth. I mean when was the last time anyone actually brought a book. T&R: Goodnight Ron. R: (Rolls his eyes) Alright. (and He leaves)

E: (walking into the room) He doesn’t know? You didn’t tell him? R: About Amanda? (sets down her coffee.) Well, I think that book club bisness don’t you? (Tammi gets up and grabs a candlavra with three red candles in it and sets it doen on the coffee table.) Thank you Tammi. E: The police just took away her body, and what we’re just ganna pretend it didn’t happen. (Tammi grabs an old leather book from the same place as the candlavra and sets it down.) R: We loved Amanda. T: It’s true. R: But we knew that she was, well, unstable. T: Also true. R: And we have to face it, she probably killed Janet Dutton. T: People don’t just spit out their teeth all of a sudden. (Ranee’ nods) E: We have to stop. We have to stop Bookclub this is all just gone to far. R: (Stands up) Elizabeth. Just take a deep breath. Calm down. T: We cant… stop. E: People are dying. R: Amanda killed herself, yes, and yes, she killed Janet. (Awefull, aweful buisness ofcuarse. But that’s all over now! And think about what bookclub has gotten us. Hmm? Your husbands promotion, that little trip to Howaii that you won. And what about me, my home pottery buisness is finaly taking off, and you wanna just stop. Do you wanna stop? (Eizabeth shakes her head no) ok. (claps) We don’t have much time Ron gets back from his fantacy football in an hour. (the all sit down beside the coffe table.)

They turn out the lights and lay down an alter cloth with a pentigram on it. They light the candles and Tammi drops the book in the middle of the pentagram. They Join hands around it.

All Together: Book of Shadows we kneil before you. Let us surve your master as you serve us. Book of shadows we kneil before you. Let us surve your master—

Elizabeths Garden- morning

Sam and Dean walk up to Elizabeth, who is tending to her garden.

S: You must have a greeb thumb. E: (startled) Excuse me? S: Getting all these herbs to grow out of season like this. Its quite impressive. I’m sorry I should have introduced myself first. (They pull out their badges) Im detective Bachman, this is detective turner. D: Hi-ya. E: (stands up, still nervouse) S: we’re following up on Amanda burns’ death. Gowing around the neighborhood and talking to her neighbors and stuff like that. E: But didn’t she- I mean she killed herself right? S: Maybe. Maybe. D: We heard you were friends with the deceased is that right? E: Yeah I guess so. D: Do you have any idea about her practices. E: I-I’m sorry what kind of practices. S: Well you see her house was ridden with satanic Parafanilia. D: It was a regular black sabath. E: But se was an episcapalian. D: Well, then we’re pretty sure she was using the wrong bible. R: (walking up with Tammi) Elizabeth! (Both Sam and Dean look back at her.) Are you alright? E: I’m fine! Ranee’ these are detectives. They say Amanda was Practic— R: Sorry Detectives. You can tell that Elizabeth is a little upset. D: Of cuarse Miss.? R: Mrs. Renee’ Van Alan. Would you like me to spell it for you? D: I’ll get by. Thanks. R: This Amanda buisness has been hard on Liz. For all of us. T: Yeah, I-I mean you think you know a person. D: Well, I guess we all have secrets, don’t we? S: (smiles) Well Thanks. We’ll be in touch. D: Have a nice day. T: Bye.

Night- empty road.

D: Well I’m already sold on that Elizabeth chik. You see that victory garden of hers. Belladonna, Wolfsbane, Mandrake. Not to mension that little flit she had when we mensioned the occult. S: (going through news articles) Well she’s deffinately had a good run lately. I’ve got a few tax brakets, won almost too many rafles. Gotta think a little black magic helps a little. D: yeah. S: I don’t think shes alon either. It looks like Mrs. Ranee’ Van Allen has won almost every craft contest that she’s been in, in the last 3 months. D: A regular Martha Stewert huh, sept for the Devil worship. Im thinkin that’s the coven we met back there minus one member. S: Amanda was clearly goin off the reservation. Think they killed her to keep up apperences. D: Seems like the appearance kinda croud don’t you think? S: Yeah. D: They killed a nut job, should we thank them or what. S: Their worken black magic too, Dean. They need to be stopped. D: Stopped like, Stopped. Their human Sam. S: Their murderers. D: (shakes his head) Burn witch, burn.

Suddenly the car slowes down and the headlights flicker.

D: What the Hell? (The car stoppes just short of hitting a younge woman. S: Ruby! (Both of them Get out of the Car) R: Sam, listen to me. There isnt much time. S: What are you talking about? R: You have to get out of town. D: So this is Ruby, huh. (rases the cult and aims it at her) havnt had the pleasure. S: Dean! D: I was hoping youd show your face again. R: Point that thing somewhere else. D: HAHAHAHAHA. Yeah right. R: Sam please, go! Get in the car and don’t look back. S: Why, I don’t understand? D: Hey, hotstuff we can take care of a few witches ourselves, Thanks. R: Im not talking about witches you jackass. Witches are whores! Im talking about who they surve. S: Demons. They get their power from demons. R: Yeah. And theres one here, now. D: Oh what, you mean besides you? R: Sam it knows your in town and its ganna come after you. And its way more than you can handle! D: Aw, Come on! What is this huh. Please tell me your not listening to this! R: Put a leash on your brother Sam if you wanna keep him! S: Dean, look. J-Just chill out. D: No, No, she’s messing with your head. God knows why that’s who they are. R: Im telling you the truth. D: And I’m telling you to shut up bitch! R: I’m sorry why are you even a part of this conversation. D: OH, I don’t know maybe because hes my brother you black-eyed Skank. R: Oh, right, right. You car about your brother so much, that’s why your shecking out in a few months, leaving him all alone! D: Shut up. R: Atleast let me try to save him since you wont be here to do it anymore. D: I said Shut Up! (Dean pulls the trigger.) S: Dean no! (pushes it aside, so that the bullet shot out into the empty field.) (They both fight to be let go and then look back to see that Ruby is gone.)