Title | Supernatural: Caledonia Supernatural: The Dogs of Edinburgh (TPB Title) |
Medium | Comic |
Creator(s) | Brian Wood (writer) Grant Bond (artist) Dustin Nguyen (cover) |
Publisher | DC Comics |
Release Date | Issue 1: December 2011 |
Link | DC Comics |
Purchase | Digital downloads by DC Comics trade paperback from Amazon |
This new six issue comic series is the fourth series of comics set in the Supernatural universe. Like the previous series Origins, Rising Son and Beginning's End, this series is set in the pre-series era. It is written by acclaimed comics writer Brian Wood with art by Grant Bond.
Acclaimed writer Brian Wood pens a limited comics series based on the hit CW TV show! Set during Sam Winchester's time at Stanford, the would-be hunter travels to Scotland. There, he encounters the alluring "Emma of the Isles," sparking the first team-up of American and European hunters! Source
Published in 2012 as a collection called "Supernatural: The Dogs of Edinburgh"
External Links
- Nate's Graphic Novel Review: Supernatural "The Dogs of Edinburgh" Video Recap and Review by The Winchester Family Business (Nate Winchester) February 12, 2021
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