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449 bytes added, 23:57, 16 December 2019
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Castiel and Belphegor make their way to Lilith's Chamber in Hell and recover the horn. However, the demon [[Ardat]] makes her way into the chamber and reveals to Castiel that she has been watching Belphegor for centuries. He has been searching for an opportunity to take over Hell, and all the while working under Lilith and Crowley to hide his ulterior motives. After Belphegor kills Ardat, he reveals his true colors to Castiel, saying that Lilith and Crowley are nothing. His true plan was to use the horn to absorb all the [[hell ghosts]] and demons imprisoned in the barrier into himself, making himself akin to a god. He starts blowing the horn and absorbing the damned souls into himself, but Castiel manages to make his way towards Belphegor and smites him, at the cost of destroying the horn and reducing Jack's corpse to a skeleton. Rowena is able to finish the job by absorbing and containing all the demons and hell ghosts into herself and jumping into Hell as [[Portal|the rupture]] closes.
===[[15.08 Our Father, Who Aren't in Heaven]]===
Rowena is revealed to be the new Queen of Hell, having taken the throne after sacrificing her life to save the world. While talking to Dean and Castiel, she tells them that there are many things she regrets back when she was alive that still haunt her in death, including how she treated Crowley in life, calling him Fergus. She persuades them to fix their broken relationship before it's too late.

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