Devil's trap (symbol)

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The devil’s trap is a mystical symbol used to imbolise and control demons. The devil’s traps seen in Supernatural all originate from The Lesser Key of Solomon, which is grimoire or magical text written in the 17th century. It contains rituals and spells for invoking and controlling both demons and angels.

The devil's trap seen painted on the ceiling at Bobby's house is composed of two pentacles from the Lesser Key of Solomon

The Grand Pentacle:"It serves to convene all spirits; when shown to them they will bow and obey you"
The Fifth Pentacle of Mars:"it is terrible unto the demons, and at its sight and aspect they will obey thee, for they cannot resist its presence"


1.22 Devil's Trap

Sam studies the devil's trap in Bobby's copy of the Key of Solomon
At Bobby's house Meg (who is possessed by a demon)is trapped under the devil's trap where the boys interrogate her before exorcising the demon

Sam later draws a version of the devil's trap on the trunk of the Impala to protect the colt from demons

2.14 Born Under a Bad Sign

  • When Sam is possessed by the same demon who had possessed Meg, he is trapped by Bobby under the same symbol that trapped her. However the demon was gained new powers and breaks the symbol, freeing itself.
Possessed Sam under the devil's trap

2.22 All Hell Breaks Loose: Part Two

  • Samuel Colt built a huge devil's trap 100 miles across in southern Wyoming. There is a church at each point and the sides of the pentacle are made of iron railroad lines. At the center, in an old cowboy cemetery, is a gate to hell.
The giant devil's trap
The gate to hell is locked with a devil's trap opened by the Colt