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Gods are the deities which are represented in Supernatural in which their origins are separate from other Gods depending on the particular type of deity. Their powers and overall capabilities greatly exceed the potential and abilities of humans, but their powers in comparison with the deity that created Heaven and Earth is currently unclear. Despite the unclearity, it seems highly likely that these Gods are below The Creator of Heaven and Earth because Lucifer the Archangel killed numerous Gods showing now visible effort to which would basically be an impossible task for him to perform on his maker, God.

Kali describes her disgust for Westerners by accusing them of butchery and right to leadership in their own God's name. She also states that she and the other Gods were on Earth before God, or that their religions were practiced before his. Odin stated that the "real" Apocalypse with start when Midgard Serpent Jörmungandr rises up and Odin himself will be consumed by a big wolf. This was later proved to be a false prediction due to the fact that Lucifer himself killed him. Therefore it is quite possible these "Gods" are delirious. Further evidence is of Zao Shen's belief in the world turtle. Also Lucifer states "Dad made everything". He so far hasn't been wrong.

Throughout the Supernatural series, there have been many Gods encountered in the Supernatural Universe include:

Powers and Abilities

Their powers and abilities vary greatly depending on the type of deity. But they all seem to share a core common ability: immortality.

Demi-Gods or Tricksters can create virtually anything out of thin air. The only known way to harm or kill one is to stab them with a wooden stack which has been dipped in blood of one of their own victims.

Gods like Baldur, Ganesh, Odin and Zao Shen seem to all possess powers and abilities that are quite similar to each others, like: Superhuman Strength and are all able to assume human form.

However Gods like Kali, Mercury and Leshii all possess unique powers that most other Gods don't possess (Kali, Fire Generation), (Mercury, Superhuman Speed) (Leshii, Shapeshifting).
