Gwen Hernandez

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Name Gwen Hernandez
Actor Angelique Rivera
Location Sheridan County, Nebraska
Occupation Veterinary school student
Episode(s) 12.15 Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell


Gwen is a veterinary school student from Sheridan County, Nebraska.


12.15 Somewhere Between Heaven and Hell

Camping in the Nebraska woods with her boyfriend, Marcus, Gwen is insistent that they spend their time enjoying nature. They sit by the campfire, and discussion turns to Gwen's upcoming move to Washington for veterinary school. Marcus expresses his confidence that their relationship can withstand a move to long distance, Gwen doesn't seem so sure.

When Marcus leaves to get some more firewood, Gwen stumbles over Marcus' bag. She notices a small box, and opens it to find an engagement ring, which perturbs her. Gwen doesn't have the time to process this, however, because all of a sudden Marcus is running at her, yelling at her to run. Confused, Gwen freezes, unable to see whatever is chasing Marcus. Marcus then falls to the ground and is ripped apart by an invisible entity. Gwen screams, seeing footprints of the invisible entity in the mud, heading straight for her. Falling against the tent, Gwen manages to grab an ax and defend herself. As the entity snarls in pain, Gwen escapes, running towards town.

Days later, Gwen is shaken and traumatized by the event, having nightmares of Marcus getting killed. Sam and Dean visit her at home—under the guise of FBI agents. They lie to her and tell her that what she witnessed was nothing but a bear. Gwen is adamant that she knows what she saw, and it was something supernatural. Sam tells her that her traumatized mind made up her version of the story. Gwen snaps and tells Sam and Dean to leave.

When Sam and Dean are gone, invisible claws begin gouging her floor and she screams. Unbeknownst to her, a hellhound had snuck into her house when Sam and Dean had entered earlier. The hound chases her, and she tries to barricade herself in another room, but it manages to push its way in and pins her to the floor. Thankfully, Sam and Dean break in and shoot at the hellhound. Dean manages to hit it, and it scarpers off, escaping out the window as Sam rushes to Gwen's side.

After making sure Gwen is ok, Sam and Dean explain that a hellhound had just attacked her. They confess to being hunters, not FBI agents. Gwen questions why they told her it was a bear that killed Marcus, and Dean tells her it was an attempt to make her feel better; and that it was Sam's idea. Sam goes on to explain that hellhounds generally only come after people who sold their souls 10 years previous. Gwen tells them she didn't, and that Marcus didn't either, leaving Sam and Dean puzzled.

Gwen waits as Dean calls Crowley, who teleports himself into her living room. She listens as Crowley explains that the hellhound that's on the loose right now is Lucifer's personal hellhound, Ramsey. Gwen is surprised that the devil actually exists, and Dean tells her that he's locked in a cage. Dean asks Crowley why the hellhound is after Gwen in particular, and Gwen guesses that it's because she hit her with an ax. Crowley happily invites himself along for the hunt, expressing the desire to have Ramsey's head mounted on his wall for good P.R.

When Sam, Dean, Crowley, and Gwen get to the woods on the hunt for the hellhound, Dean tells Gwen to stay safely in the Impala with Sam. As Sam is driving, Gwen apologizes, and tells him that it's all her fault. She has a flashback to Marcus getting killed, and asks Sam to pull over so she can get out and throw up. Once she's back in the car, she explains to Sam that going camping with Marcus had been her idea. She also adds that she regrets not being honest with Marcus about their relationship having run its course. All of a sudden, Sam spots Ramsey through his hellhound glasses. The hound jumps onto the hood of the car, cracking the windshield before climbing onto the roof. Sam is adamant on stopping the hellhound, so he tells Gwen to stay in the car as he grabs an angel blade and gets out. Sam fights the hellhound, who manages to pin him to the ground, knocking off Sam's glasses. Gwen grabs the cooler from the backseat and gets out of the car to blindly hit Ramsey, stunning the hound. Sam gets to his feet and watches Ramsey's footprints in order to time his attack, killing the hellhound with the angel blade.

Reunited with Dean and Crowley, Gwen questions whether it's over, and Crowley tells her it is. Relieved, she hugs and thanks Crowley, who remains stoic before disappearing. As Gwen, Sam, and Dean get into the Impala, Gwen comments that Crowley seems nice.