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157 bytes added, 19:23, 19 January 2010
The Demonic Staff of Hell
[[Lucifer]]- is a fallen Archangel and former warrior of Heaven, even thought Lucifer isn't a "Demon", demons apparently have a belief system, just like ours and Gods plan; their belief is that Lucifer as their Creator is their God and father. Most of them hold Lucifer in High amounts of esteem and have much respect for him. One demon named [[Crowley]], however doesn't seem to like him, in fact he ask the Winchesters to kill him with [[The Colt]].
High-tier Demons:
[[Lilith]]- was the First Demon that Lucifer created, as an act of defiance towards God.
[[Azazel]]- is, ironically the only Demon with yellow eyes; this separates him from normal demons. He is extremely powerful, and he is known for creating acts of chaos and mischief. In 1972, apparently, Azazel was the very first demon to discover the location of Lucifer's "cage door". Apparently Lucifer was imprisoned some-where deep with the the convent of St. Mary's, it was there that Lucifer gave Azazel his first mission, which was to find a "very special child", in other words, [[Sam]].
White Eyed Demons:
[[Alastair]]- is the Grand Torturer of Hell, he is known for having tortured [[Dean]] and [[John]] Winchester. He is extremely powerful, according to [[Ruby]]. Alastair has displayed great amounts of Demonic strength and resistant’s; even after his First Meatsuit was destroyed by Anna's angelic blast when she retrieved her grace, apparently it didn't kill him, instead, his meatsuit was ultimately affected by the blast. <sup>[[4.15 Death Takes A Holiday]]</sup>
*It must be noted that, Lilith is both a high-tier demon, as well as a white eyed demon.
Other Important Demons:
[[Ruby]]- is Lilith's Right-hand Woman, according to her, not even Alastair knew her true purpose, as it has been said many times, only Lilith knew her true mission.

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