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351 bytes added, 07:55, 10 June 2018
11.16 Safe House
'''Dean:''' Look I got a possible lead on Lilith in Maine. But we're on a case in Reno, I texted you the address, so if you're done sitting on your ass… <br>
*(Bobby stares at his phone, dismayed, flips it shut, and tosses it onto the empty seat next to him. He starts the car.) <br>
'''Bobby:''' Idjits.===[[13.23 Let the Good Times Roll]]==='''Bobby:''' Let me get this right: the ice caps are melting, a movie where a girl goes all the way with a fish wins best picture and that damn fool idjit from ''The Apprentice'' is President?<br>'''Sam:''' Yeah.<br>'''Bobby:''' And you call where we come from [[Apocalypse World]]?<br>'''Sam:''' Good point.
==See Also==

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