Origins 5

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Title "Chapter Five"
Edition # 5
Published September 26, 2007
Writer Peter Johnson
Artists Matthew Dow Smith
Tony Harris (cover)
Editor Ben Abernathy
Outline John Winchester’s journey nears its conclusion as he and the Hunter travel to the legendary destination the “Four Corners,” in the American Southwest. It’s at the mysterious Fore Inn where he’ll confront his wife’s killer — but could he possibly be prepared for what he’ll find and what secrets are revealed.
Location(s) Tempe, Arizona
Hope, Colorado
Timeline 1982
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I know these numbers mean something. I can feel it in my blood. It's just hard to put much faith in the latest theory by an occult recluse who hasn't left his house in ten years.

John Winchester, Supernatural: Origins #5


Date: 1982
Places: Tempe, Arizona - Hope, Colorado

