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Name Osiris
Actor Faran Tahir
Dates  ???? – 2011 ("deactivated" by Sam Winchester)
Location Dearborn, Michigan
Occupation Egyptian god of the afterlife, the underworld, and rebirth
Episode(s) 7.04 Defending Your Life


Osiris is an Egyptian god and considered the lord of the underworld who judges the dead. Osiris selects people and then confronts them with things that they feel guilty about. He can see into a person's heart, and if they carry more than a feather's weight of guilt, he sentences them to death, in a manner reflecting their guilt. He commands ghosts or spectres to carry out the sentence.

Osiris is also father to Anubis, the Egyptian god of the dead. After God left Heaven, the angels sought a replacement to act as judge and ensure souls go to their proper resting place, passing over Osiris for his son.


Osiris appears as a Middle Eastern man. When judging mortals for their past deeds, he appears in pharaonic robes, carrying a crook.

Powers and abilities

  • Necromancy – Osiris has the ability to command the spirits of the dead, causing them to become vengeful spirits.
  • Telekinesis – Osiris is capable of moving objects with his mind.
  • Telepathy – Osiris can read the minds of of those he is judging, to learn of their guilt.
  • Teleportation – Osiris has the ability to transport himself as well other people with a thought.


  • Ram's horn – Being stabbed with a ram's horn disables him for a couple of hundred years.


7.04 Defending Your Life

Osiris is operating in Dearborn, Michigan. He sits in a bar -- Neal's Tavern -- and listens to the stories people tell the bartender. His first victim is Matthew Hammond, who ran over ten year old girl Elizabeth Duren while drunk and killed her. He has been sober for ten years, and sends flowers to her grave each month. He is killed by a spectral car. The second victim, Christopher Fisher, had been involved in dog fighting, but for many years worked at an animal shelter. He is killed by a spectral dog.

Sam and Dean find traces of red dirt at the crime scenes, and trace it to a local apple farm. On the way there they come across a distressed man called Warren. Recently released from jail for a double murder he committed thirty years ago, he tells them that he has been put on trial under bizarre circumstances. He draws some symbols he remembers.

Osiris as he appears in lore.

Sam and Dean leave Warren inside a circle of salt, but he breaks the ring and the ghosts of his victims kill him.

As Dean leaves Neal's Tavern, Osiris takes him. Dean finds himself in the barn on the apple farm, in chains. The barn is decorated with Egyptian statues, and Osiris sits on a gold throne. Sam arrives and insists on defending Dean. Osiris calls Jo's ghost as a witness, and tries to get her to say it was Dean's fault that she became a hunter and ultimately was killed. Under cross examination by Sam, she agrees that it was her father who was the motivation behind her hunting. Osiris next calls Sam as a witness, similarly charging that Dean is responsible for bringing Sam back to hunting.

When Osiris reveals that it not what he thinks, but how guilty Dean feels that is being judged, Sam puts Dean on the stand. He challenges Dean's thinking, pointing out he was not directly responsible for any of the things he feels guilty for. Osiris asks Dean whether he wants his sentence, or a last witness to be called. Dean, afraid that the witness will be Amy Pond, the kitsune Dean killed against Sam's wishes, asks to be sentenced. Osiris condemns him to die and releases him.

Sam goes to find a ram's horn, which Bobby has found will lay the god to rest for a couple of centuries. Jo appears at the hotel where Dean is staying, protected within a ring of salt. Jo is being compelled to kill Dean in a manner reflecting how she died. Dean tells her he feels guilty for getting both her and Sam into hunting. Jo refutes this, and tells Dean he carries too much weight for things that happen. She turns on the gas on the stove and then breaks the window so that the salt line around Dean is broken. As she takes his lighter and prepares to ignite the gas, she disappears, as outside Neal's Tavern, Sam has stabbed Osiris with the ram's horn, effectively "deactivating" the god.

14.08 Byzantium

While Castiel researches Anubis, guardian of the dead and a son of Osiris, he tells Sam and Dean that Heaven passed over Osiris when they enlisted his son in determining who goes where upon death after God left Heaven the first time. Sam briefly mentions his and Dean's encounter with Osiris, whom Dean calls a "major dick."

Osiris in Lore

Osiris is an Egyptian god, who is known as the King of the Afterlife. He is traditionally depicted with a crook and flail. Unlike Anubis, Osiris does not reside in the Underworld. He is married to his sister Isis who made an appearance in 5.19 Hammer of the Gods.