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Jimmy Novak.jpg
Name Jimmy Novak, Donnie Finnerman, Nick (Named Vessels)
Actor Many
Dates  ?
Location no fixed address
Occupation Vessel
Episode(s) Many
Sam as Lucifer's vessel in 5.04 The End

A Vessel, also known as Meatsuits (Meatsuits is a Demon only term), is the human which an Angel possesses in order to manifest. It is unclear what characteristics make a human suitable as a vessel. There is much talk by the Angels in relation to Sam and Dean of destiny. Castiel makes reference when possessing Claire Novak that her suitability as a vessel is "in her blood". Castiel can speak with Jimmy Novak from the Heaven's without using a mouth piece, this was proven in 4.20 The Rapture.

While Demons can possess any human against their will in order to manifest, Angels must contain the consent of the human before they can enter them. However, as Zachariah's treament of Dean in attempts to get him to agree to be Michael's vessel demonstrates, this consent can be coerced.

  • The Novak Family: It has been stated that, Castiel's standard for some one to be "his" vessel it must run through your family blood-line, as it does through Jimmy's, this was also stated by Cass.

Normal Vessels

  • Claire Novak is Jimmy's daughter. After Jimmy was shot by a demon possessing his wife, Castiel possesses his daughter Claire Novak. Jimmy (near death) begs to be allowed to be his vessel again. It is not stated what happens to Jimmy Novak.

  • Gabriel - it is unknown who his vessel is.
  • Zachariah - it is unknown who his vessel is. However while talking to Dean Zachariah made a comment in which he said that humans are filthy and disgusting (smelly things). One could make a speculation that Zachariah doesn't like his vessel, according to Zachariah's comment that he made when he addressed Dean; however he must have some type of a connection between him and his own vessel; it has been stated that no Angel can take over a human without the humans consent. We could be led to believe that Zachariah had a relationship with his vessel weather it was minimum or strong.

Plan (B) Vessels

Plan "B" vessels are vessels that were chosen at the last moment; Lucifer and Azazel planed for Sam to be Lucifer's true vessel. Plan "B" vessels tend to suffer; here are some of the effects: sickness and rotting. Nick is currently rotting away and his flesh is pealing. If Lucifer's spirit possesses a normal human (Nick) eventually the person’s body will start to wither away and their skin will rot and their flesh will peal, Nick is going through this process. After this process the Temporary vessel will die. Lucifer clearly stated that, Nick can barely contain his angelic energy, without his body-spontaneously combusting. This process that the temporary vessel endures could be because, the body is not familiar with this angelic aura and the body is so overwhelmed with this unfamiliar energy, that is now within their body, which eventually leads to the final stage which is, Body Combustion. Nick has yet to reach this stage, as of now.

  • Nick is a man grieving for his murdered wife and child who consents to be Lucifer's Vessel when Lucifer promises to help him get justice for his family. Lucifer later tells Sam that Nick is not the ideal vessel and can barely contain him.

Special Vessels

Many Angels such as Gabriel have told Dean and Sam that they were destined to be the vessels for the two Archangel's. Zachariah told Dean on many occasions that he is special and that he was chosen to be the vessel for Michael.

  • Dean is chosen to be the vessel for Michael. Apparently Dean is the only one who can contain Michael's Angelic Energy. Current consent: No (He has yet to consent to Michael)
  • Future!Dean was chosen to the vessel for Michael. Current consent: Yes (He said yes but the entire Host of Heaven left and gave up on stopping Lucifer)
  • Sam is chosen to be the vessel for Lucifer. Sam is revealed to be Lucifer's true vessel, for no other human can hold Lucifer's Angelic Energy for long and only serve as a temporary solution. Current consent: No (His consent in the future is yes, however this has yet to be so as of now)

Mouth Pieces and Prophets

Mouth pieces allow Angels to speak to the outside world. Another theory could be that all Angels can speak to their vessels from the Heaven's without a mouth piece. However Lucifer used a mouth piece possible because he was imprisoned at the time and he wasn't in heaven, instead he was buried in St. Mary's Convent. It is possible that Heaven's power enables its inhabitants (Angels) to speak to humans from heaven. Prophet's of The Lord are also referred to as Mouth pieces, Castiel stressed the fact that Chuck is simply a mouth piece, not a psychic, and that Chuck is not deciding the future or the fates of others, instead he is simply predicting the future.

  • The Nun was Lucifer's mouth piece for a brief moment. Azazel couldn't talk to his master any other way with one exception which was through a nun. It was so brief that she wasn't called a vessel per say but she definitely possessed by Lucifer.

Prophets in Supernatural:

  • Luke was a prophet of the Lord, during the B.C. period.